Mueller Investigation Used as Cover for Obama/Clinton Failures
Things the Media Ignored in the Mueller Report
Despite the oceans of pixels, buckets of ink, and hours of TV and radio coverage respecting the Mueller report, there are two important things underplayed or ignored: the ubiquitous nature of Russian interference from 2014 on, which Obama ignored, and the real target of the witch hunt – General Michael Flynn (and why). To get there, let’s first quickly review the pre- and post- report major media coverage.
The Ridiculous Press Propagation of the Hoax and Response to the Report
There are countless examples of the media beclowning itself when the left’s dream of a slam-dunk against the president failed. It was like the election night follies all over again.
-Paul Manafort never visited Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy; Guardian reporting otherwise is utterly fake.
-Buzzfeed’s claim that the President told Michael Cohen to lie about negotiations to build a Trump Tower is Moscow – FAKE.
-CNN’s claim that Cohen asserted that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting (bruited by Carl Bernstein, Jim Sciutto and Marshall Cohen) – FAKE.
-Rachel Maddow’s charge that “the Russians may be controlling our government” – FAKE.
-Claims by Marcy Wheeler (repeated by others, including the Washington Post) that the post-election contacts between Trump and Russia were evidence of a conspiracy – FAKE.
-Also FAKE: the Steele Dossier, pee-pee tape stories, secret meetings in Prague, and corrupt financial dealings with Russia going back years before the election.
-Claims about the Trump Tower meeting in 2016 fell flat – there was nothing criminal about it.
Michael Flynn and the Intelligence Community
There’s ample reason to believe this entire investigation was designed in significant part to cover up the massive failures of Obama and our intelligence community
It’s not unreasonable to believe this entire $30 million hoax of an investigation was not only to undermine the legitimacy of Trump’s victory over Hillary, but as well to cover up Obama’s failures to respond to Russian interference to protect his crackpot nuclear deal with Iran.
Stories by reliable analysts suggest that it was only because Flynn riled the intelligence community by criticizing in 2012 the CIA backing for the Sunni rebels fighting Assad, the basis for Trump’s claim that Obama had created ISIS:
It’s Easter Sunday and Passover. For those who value truth, hang on. I think it has been slow in coming, but coming it is.
Great Analysis by Clarice Feldman