you reject bible dogma from one post then post more of your own
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trust saul less (popes favorite)
you reject bible dogma from one post then post more of your own
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trust saul less (popes favorite)
easier answer to question what does he NOT do?
this faggot is a puppet placed by the real paysuers to play payseur the fake jew
when his big moment came to be in the public for a year or so he lost his mind
what makes a good movie?
actors that dont choke
>The bible is the written word of God.
this is so obviously not true
who recd the word?
who wrote it down?
these questions cant be answered with your assumption
much better and true to say the Bible contains the God inspired but man written wisdom and knowledge to understand god (and man)
the biggest problem religion has is taking the entie Bible literally true when it was NEVER intended to be understood that way
how did this come to be associated with jesus?
catholics had a lot of ideas
some were good
some not
who says either of those absurd things?
no one
islam was created organically as a tool for human control and based on arab little brother syndrome (jacob-esau)
that is why so many muslims are angry
this is 100% true
the jesus story was overlayed on this basic idea to emphasive jesus significance
many bible stories have this underlying element