Using the search with POTUS twat containing “other side, here is what I found:
Moar posts containing “Other Side”.
I know POTUS has his own timetable for this, but I wish we didn’t give these shitheads so much time to sow seeds of distrust among the public.
Radicalized Islam is a big problem, but anyone with a brain can see this is cabal run. Unfortunately we have had a few periods in history where even the most revered faiths have been taken over and perverted.
I mean, it wasn’t very Christian to chain up a shit ton of Africans for a one way trip to slavery was it?
Look, if we are going to be honest and fully transparent going forward then we can’t pass the buck by saying, “ hey it was some other guy who ran the the boat”.
I’m not against Christianity or Islam, I just don’t like faulty reasoning and throwing the baby out with the bath water. Get the criminals out and reform it.
For your consideration:
Is this screenshot only available from the user himself? If so, is this your post, legendary shitposter James Woods?