It was making the news anon….eyes were on it…then you got shit like this
1) QAnon-Loving Border Militia Is Run by Ex-Con Who Says He Talks to Trump
Larry Mitchell Hopkins runs an armed civilian group that peddles far-right conspiracies and claims to work with Border Patrol. He says Trump’s asked him about ‘Muslim immigration.’
2) FBI Arrests 69-Year-Old Militia Leader Whose Group Boasts Ties to U.S. Border Patrol
The organization has been characterized by the ACLU as a “fascist militia organization” comprised of “armed … According to the Daily Beast, the group’s radio show allows members to spread QAnon …
3) An armed militia is rounding up migrants and forcing them into border patrol custody
The Beast also found evidence that the militia was pro-QAnon, a bizarre group of conspiracy theorists who believe that Trump and special counsel Robert Mueller were in cahoots to bring down a …
Vice News1d
He was a felon, and should not have been on the border with a gun. Point blank.