Research the slave boat owners. Not Christian merchants.
Could this be a call for more church burnings, like we saw this weekend occur in Sri Lanka and around the world.?
This compound form seems to imply that kind of action, which is susceptible of intermissions and renewals.
the act of making an agreement continue for an extra period of time after it has come to an end:
contract/licence renewals
The purchases are subject to annual renewal.
be due for renewal If your car tax is due for renewal, do it before Budget day.
Definition of renewal
Synonyms for renewal
duplication, iteration, redo, reduplication, reiteration, repeat, repetition, replay, replication, reprise
1 : the act or process of renewing : repetition
2 : the quality or state of being renewed
3 : something (such as a subscription to a magazine) renewed
4 : something used for renewing
specifically : an expenditure that betters existing fixed assets
5 : the rebuilding of a large area (as of a city) by a public authority