Absolutely love the military flyovers for Rodeo
blah blah blah broken record
Intelligent people don't throw pearls to the swine
crybaby shills spinning out of control today… demons hate being confronted
Matthew 10:28
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Go back to facebook
Um yeah like I said… Zeitgeist is so fucking facebook, old and moldy and kindergarten level twilight zombification… has no place on the chans or in q realm
I bet those who scream the loudest about how fake Q is are the ones here shilling. such low level abilities both in the real world and here on Q.
Sorry… Jesus Christ saved me a long time ago shortly after I was in strong delusion watching lame videos like Zeitgeist because I was an ignorant lost sheep. But by all means have fun with yourself