Anonymous ID: 646f74 April 21, 2019, 3:35 p.m. No.6266583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So why isn't Ilhan Omar striped of citizenship for marriage fraud, naturalization fraud?


In June 2018, US Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that he was launching a team of investigators to complete the work of “Operation Janus,” a government effort stretching back a decade to identify people who’d gotten citizenship under false identities.


Reasons of previous voluntary denaturalization: Hiding World War II crimes or association with Nazis. Serious crimes, suspicion of spying for the communists, or association with terrorists…other ( involved in the fraud scheme before appyling for citizenship citizenship application was itself fraudulent. And now it’s seeking to take back the citizenship it claims was given under false pretenses.)


***1. Adeneye, Ibraheem 2010 Convicted of conspiracy to commit marriage fraud, naturalization fraud, and making a false statement to a federal agency. Adeneye indicated that he was engaged in brokering sham marriages between Nigerian nationals and U.S. citizens so that the Nigerians could obtain immigration benefits, ultimately leading to U.S. citizenship. In return, the U.S. citizen "spouses" received cash payments to assist the Nigerians in the deception. U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt sentenced Adeneye to the time he has already served in prison. The judge granted the government's motion to strip Adeneye of his U.S. citizenship. Adeneye became an alien subject to removal from the United States to Nigeria.


***2. Almallah, Rasmi Khader 2007 Became a permanent resident via a 1981 marriage four days before his student visa expired (later deemed "a green card marriage" by the Immigration and Naturalization Service) and naturalized in 1988.[5] Almallah was stripped of his United States citizenship after coming to the authorities' attention for his connection to the Holy Land Foundation[6] (adjudged to be a Hamas fundraising entity) and also as a former employer of one of the 9/11 bombers.[citation needed]. Appealed unsuccessfully to the United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit.[5] Resident of Jordan, where he is a member of the Jordanian Senate.[7]


***3. Damrah, Fawaz Mohammed September 23, 2004 Imam who was convicted on June 18, 2004, of lying on his naturalization application about his association with three groups classified as terrorist organizations by the U.S. government. Deported to the Palestinian West Bank in January 2007.


****So why isn't Ilhan Omar striped of citizenship for marriage fraud, naturalization fraud?


The Department of Justice has the power to file a denaturalization lawsuit against a naturalized citizen under two circumstances: first, if they obtained their citizenship illegally — i.e., they didn’t actually meet the legal requirements of citizenship — or, second, if they lied about or concealed something during the citizenship process that was relevant to their case. (As you can probably guess, what counts as relevant — in legal terminology, “material” — is the source of a lot of questions about when denaturalization is appropriate.) They also have the option to charge someone criminally for fraud in naturalization.



If the government prevails in court, the immigrant reverts from being a US citizen to being a lawful permanent resident (green card holder). And green card holders can be stripped of their legal status, and deported, without a court hearing if they’re found to violate the terms of their status (for example, committing certain crimes).


So denaturalization doesn’t actually kick someone out of the country — or even automatically make them eligible to getting kicked out of the country. But it opens the door to that possibility, by stripping them of the only foolproof protection against deportation an immigrant has.


In 2008, a Customs and Border Protection agent discovered that more than 200 people from four countries had become US citizens despite having past deportation orders — something that should have, legally, disqualified them from naturalization


DHS subsequently launched a task force to figure out just how many fingerprint records it was missing from people who should be barred from citizenship. In 2011, it calculated that the answer was 315,000:



Toward the end of the Obama administration, and going into the Trump administration, the government started filing denaturalization suits against people who’d committed other crimes that hadn’t been included on their naturalization applications.