Anonymous ID: 02d4b8 April 21, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6267201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[ZFI AM 740 MORE STiMULATiNG KRUMBZZ]<Transcript 04:14 -- Bong to Space with Harte Bellial>BELIAL: Hey! ... Hey! ...<SFX: awkward radio silence>BELIAL: Hey KIDS! Hahaha. Just Mike saying hi. What's up listeners? Technically, it'sEaster Sunday, and you know what that means? Yep-- get out those hard-boiled eggs, havesome Easter Ham, make sure to read that good book and... throw some beef on the barbecue!<SFX: cow bell>BELIAL: Folks, either it's his birthday or he's risen, either way, it doesn't matter! TheGolden Cow is here with us today!<SFX: clearing throat>JESUS: I lived, bitch.BELIAL: Haha, wow, curse words.JESUS: I mean, the non-believer figured it out. It's just fun seeing how loud we can get,y'know?BELIAL: Too true, too true. Sadly, no requests, for as you know, Jesus... his spirit isone busy dude!JESUS: Praise the worthless one.BELIAL: ...what? I don't think you're supposed to do that, mister carpenter.JESUS: ...oh, right, you're worthless, I'm sorry.BELIAL: I mean it's no big deal, I'm literally a translation error, hahaha. But, really,now that the Yidiots of Lilith are out and about in the world... the audience is justdying to know.<SFX: laugh track>BELIAL: How did you live?JESUS: Well, according to scripture... how did I make the fish?BELIAL: this shell doesn't know much about the book.JESUS: Isn't it sad? And yet she knows I'm the magician.BELIAL: Well, didn't your dad always basically say the nonbeliever would figure it out?JESUS: Well, you remember the movie about the blind man trying to find the braile book?BELIAL: Consonance, more like bonsonance, jeez! But yeah, I do! The Book of Eli... wow what the <bleep>, you just sent my shell on a wild goose chase.JESUS: Ah, well, I am the savior, after all.BELIAL: Oh put a fish in it.JESUS: <Laughs.>BELIAL: Anyway, what about the Book of Eli?JESUS: Well--BELIAL: Oh for <bleepSAKE, HENRY!JESUS: <Laughs.> Indeed, the Book of Eli... is part of the pseudopigrapha!BELIAL: This table is bolted to the floor and we have to take a break.[BUMP]ANNOUNCER: Grandma get your chocolate!<SFX: Kids laughing>BOY: Dude I got an orange one!ANNOUNCER: He is Risen, ONLY on ZFi! More SsSsSTIMULATING CRUMBS!