Anonymous ID: 1abcc7 April 21, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.6267641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7715

Q "time" decode theory:


The IMPACT a particular string's meaning will have is as perfectly natural and acceptable function of how many times it is 'said'/'thought' in one's mind.


The longer a given Q post is visible and 'known', the more it will IMPACT a reader's mind.


This is not manipulation, this is a perfectly acceptable method of self-action from anyone.


We each have SOVEREIGNA RIGHT to free speech as chosen by the individual for WHEN they 'ought' to say or not say [anything].


Q infiltrated the cabal's digital network, they discovered a coordinated plan of intentional programming of the human mind to divide people.


Falsehoods in the minds of people was the only way they could divide the people.


The division was the beginning ideology…"we are metaphysically/ontologically/empirically 'superior' to all others, bloodlines/DNA was the science they 'stole' with fake money.


I know this was for saving the human race.


Historians will be studying why so many fell or became controlled by a literal satan worshiping network who believe ALL human truth was in their blood.


We know why the snake symbol was built within the papacy's architecture.


They got sloppy. They believed they were unstoppable.


They never thought she would lose.

Anonymous ID: 1abcc7 April 21, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.6267715   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 2 of 2:


Today and yesterday I have seen the most intense barrage of supposed Q followers becoming made 'viral' by what we already know are controlled/fake twatter, that I have seen thus far.


I think Q3312 lasted as long as it did, because Q knew 'when' such barrages would ensue, based on the sensitivity of the disclosures being made.


I think everything we have learned last two years is only 40% of the totality. Q wrote 60% private/40% public, after an initial 80/20 estimate (game theory of confidence message).


Q said 1st and 10 at the 40.


Maybe that means the public already has everything IT needs for SAFE prosecution and sentencing to begin for the actual criminals this time.