Anonymous ID: cd220e April 21, 2019, 6:20 p.m. No.6268256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a general theory in alternative healing and lifestyle changing behavior for reversing chronic disease that says….

For every year of illness or chronic disease, you are looking at minimally one month of diet and detox to address any changes in your condition.

So if you have suffered from whatever for 20 years, you have a minimal 20 month program of diet changes and detox/nutritional treatments to have any sort of healing take place.


'''I try to remember these ratios when it comes to the



America's gov't gut has been quite ill for 100 years at the least. So this shit ain't gonna habben overnight. 100 months? two days ahead kek!

Chill out. Take your enzymes and probiotics and let it work ….