KEK! Cookie man say NO!
You possess LIFE brother!
Too much honor, integrity and righteousness waiting to manifest through your heart and hands!
KEK! Cookie man say NO!
You possess LIFE brother!
Too much honor, integrity and righteousness waiting to manifest through your heart and hands!
>>6268611 Perhaps "they" SHOULDN'T Be There! This is what happens when you give to those who don't earn! They end up hating the very people that are giving to them!
Read the Bible! The whole world, united for exactly that…are going to get their asses handed to them by God Himself! Not a good plan!
Look man…all you're doing is regurgitating an opinion that somebody else passed on to you! Next you're going to say that satan has been bound! I'm NOT saying that I agree with everything Israel is doing, but, I realize were finite being trying to comprehend the Infinite! Takes far less faith to believe The One True and Living God than any other whacked out hypothesis! I know Redshields involvement…but I also know what God has to say on the matter! If God can create something out of nothing…He can manifest something good out of bad! Funny thing is, compared to Holiness, we're all just a bunch of broken RABID, imperfect people that DEMAND perfection from other broken, imperfect people!
Btw…it's "Revelation"! Not plural! It is The Unveiling of Jesus Christ!
See? RABID! You're no help anon!
I'm aware of what's gong on with/in Israel! Never influenced by televangelists! God's Word is perfect! Not suggesting translations et al! You need to calm down and start listening to God!