Anonymous ID: 0b2ef1 April 21, 2019, 9:02 p.m. No.6269784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9881



>>6269363 ←–100%

>>6269408 ←-NO shame friend. Or as CS Lewis' guide George McDonald said, "We sometimes need a quick acid bath of shame, but only to rise the stubborn barnacles of "sin" (Missing the mark) off, BUT…You are then to quickly get out and rinse yourself off in the refreshing waters of God's Forgiveness and Grace ASAP and get on with being the NEW MAN, or NEW WOMAN, He has called you to be. And to do that, we MUST leave both the barnacles of sin/ignorance AND the acid of the acid bath of "awakening", that is only meant to cleanse us (And here the line from Paul I believe about "NO Discipline feels good at the time, but taken properly, it leads to endless harvests for those who will submit" and Yeshua's line about "Those that the Father loves, he prunes, so that they may bear even more Fruit.")


So to YOU and every other "newb" or "normie" (I am NOT a big fan of those words, but I know all HONEST Anons don't mean them in a degrading manner, and shills gonna shill, but they serve our Purposes for now) who is reading this, WELCOME. YOU are the Hope of our New Future. We didn't give our lives to this and to other Pursuits of Light & Truth so that only about half of Our Brothers and Sisters could or would be left in the toxic dust and sludge of babylon and [her] whore mouthpiece [mockingbird] Not AT ALL.


There's a LOT for ALL of us to LEARN. LOTS. Education is a lifetime pursuit, and at the bottom of all this wickedness, as we move into the New America, and The New World, it's not going to be SO important about where we've been, but where we are going, and WHO (Q#1) is Going to lead us there?? WHO will Rise from amongst us, to once again Dream The American Dream, and help take the reigns of leadership, as we build the America and World of our Dreams.


Personally, I think it's (You)

I Love You All

Don't let the bastards get (You) down

What is "The Great Commission??"

1 Thess 5:16-18

Go With God

Eph 4:22-24

Think Logically






Anonymous ID: 0b2ef1 April 21, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.6269881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9917 >>9974


Confession #1: I don't live up to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Not even today. It has been said…


"It's not that you don't KNOW enough "Spiritual Truths", it's that you don't apply the ones you DO KNOW."


"Why do you call me Master & Teacher and then not do what I instruct you??"


So again, We're ALL in this TOGETHER. We can ALL get better. And sometimes, you gotta bust ass to get your garbage to GOOD, BUT….One you get to good, just good enough ya know, THEN you can start working THAT into your better, and then your better can, and will if you #RunTheCodes, into




Good Better Best….An American NEVER Let's it Rest, Until Their Good is Their Better, And Their Better is Their BEST!!


I'll focus on 1 Thess 5 starting now. I need to get better. I'm still focusing on garbage and polluting my mind and the Hive Mind with worthless entropy. You have my apologies Anons. I'll do better starting now.




Seek The Light

Go With God

Be Best


Anonymous ID: 0b2ef1 April 21, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.6269917   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think it's cute that I have a grammatical error of a 2nd grade level in my "BeBest" line.


But see?? THAT is what we're all afraid of I think, or most of us. Not being [perfect]. Or being mocked, or whatever it is. But who cares?? Speak up. We LEARN by DOING. I encourage you to speak your heart and to give YOUR Best and TRUST GOD.


I better go clean something. Love you Anons. Love you Night shift.



Be Best