If you're a Christian and paying attention then you realize there is no such thing as a "Jew" in modern times, because Christ taught that descent from Abraham is meaningless. The Jews of the NT were scattered to the winds…the remnants are those "who say they are Jews but are not" but are "the synagogue of Satan."
In modern times, there are:
1) The cabal elite who claim to be Jewish…but they serve Satan. They're just people of European descent with no more connection to ancient Israel than you or me. They know who they're master is. Christ has told you what he has in store for them.
2) People deceived by this lie calling themselves Jews who don't know any better…poor Jewish kid from the Bronx, for example, who goes to synagogue once in awhile but isn't really devout. Mostly normal, though doors will be opened to them by the power brokers if they have any talent.
In between you have the Orthodox.
So, yes, kid from the Bronx isn't to be blamed, but if you notice these people don't wind up with much power at all. The federal government is loaded with people from group #1…their zionism gives them away.