That's just ONE town.
1000 girls. At least 4 killed.
Afternoon anons.
The cabal is large in size and have everything to lose.
Game theory.
By using the deaths by a thousand cuts method and having the goal of normie collateral harm minimisation, what can we deduce?
The remaining cabal members are being taken out one by one or in small groups and these crumbs are eliciting win win responses as the snare tightens.
That we have been collectively kept poor and enslaved on purpose means that just by removing their control and reducing their hold, we cannot but win. Bigly.
If we have been controlled as much as most of us here believe, then the winning will keep accelerating.
Even a small acceleration maintained over time becomes HUGE.
It is an honour and privilege to experience this with you anons.
You changed my life for the better.
Thank you.
Double meaning
Now that's an innie