Anonymous ID: 89f9d4 April 21, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.6270113   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0165 >>0361 >>0436 >>0638 >>0744 >>0752 >>0789

Side by side on the (2 days ahead of schedule) [1 year delta] Long Beach Port Pic

made the graphic based on this anon's notable (credit, o7 ):

>>6265161 (pb, notables) Anon ties in recent Q Long Beach Port pic with prior drops and analysis

the [1 year delta] is important because it was used to introduce the watch pics, which lead to a Q proof on Barr and the National Emergency.

the (2 days ahead of schedule) delta is important also to show if or if not we are ahead or behind a specific part of The Plan's schedule.

Linking all that is in the 4/20/18 crumb with the pic, keeping in mind what is going on now with Adam Schitt, suggests info and intel could be coming; or info and intel about LBP and the Mexican border in relation to immigration and the wall.

Will likely be doing further digs and graphics on this, just wanted to get the delta in a graphic.

Anonymous ID: 89f9d4 April 21, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6270148   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0199


pasta and pics, thanks for the interest in baking bakerfren:


A. Get the Dough

  1. copypasta the pastebin link into your browser

  2. click "clone"

  3. copypasta the text into a text editor

(I suggest to NOT copypasta the notables section until you're about to bake; edit it in the pastebin, then copypasta it when you're about to bake; the others will and SHOULD NOT be changed)


B. Notables

  1. open a different text editor page

  2. collect notable posts like you see bakers do (first post at the top, last post at the bottom; chronologically):

[post link] [short description]

  1. if you want, do updates for anons around 200, 400, and 600 posts

  2. have a list of the notables in your text editor


C. Prepare the Bake

  1. around 680 posts, or before that if you want moar time to bake, post the all the notables as a "notable bun"

  2. like you see in the dough, put the link to that "notable bun" with the bread number as the description as the last post in the notable list:



[post link] [short description]

[post link] [short description]


[post link] [#XXXX]

  1. add the current bread number to the notable's section of the dough, like you see in the notable's section of the dough

  2. copypasta the notables from the current bread under that bread number in the dough


D. Bake

  1. open the catalog (or index) and press "Create a thread"

  2. add a title in the format of all the other breads into the SUBJECT section, but change the number to 1+ the current bread's number (suggest to copypasta the title from the current bread, then changing the number then changing the title)

  3. save the pic at the top of the bread, then upload it

  4. copypasta the FIRST section of the dough ONLY (everything before the first break) into the comment section

  5. press "New Thread"

  6. open a new catalog a few seconds after pressing "New Thread" (unless the bake loads then you don't have to)

  7. copypasta the SECOND section of the dough ONLY as the 2nd post of the bread

  8. copypasta the THIRD section of the dough ONLY as the 3rd post of the bread

  9. copypasta the FOURTH section of the dough ONLY as the 4th post of the bread

  10. in the pastebin, press "Create New Paste" at the bottom of the pastebin page (fill out the captcha)

  11. post the link to that new pastebin as the fifth post of the bread

  12. you're done, see A


If you want, you can practice bake here, and ask a baker to help if needed. It should look EXACTLY like normal breads:


Anonymous ID: 89f9d4 April 21, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.6270162   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I'm beat tonight, I'll be around tomorrow for some bakering.

thanks as always baker!


exactly, you just need to scroll to find your new bread instead of looking in the catalog

some bakers always use the index, I personally like the catalog because either it goes through or if you open a new tab the new bread is bumped right there.

Anonymous ID: 89f9d4 April 21, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.6270209   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0236 >>0247


It's when you create a new thread, not for posting regularly.

and check this:

Any idea why I can use this fine in bread but CAN NOT make new threads with it?

can't even open the dialog in the catalog

can't bake with it, so I have it off