Imagine being the guy who has to write Q posts
Having to come up with new reasons why trump selling us out every week is in our own interest
I think trump is worse than the nigger tbh
Im looking forward to 5g
So they can tortute me harder
Imagine being the guy who has to write Q posts
Having to come up with new reasons why trump selling us out every week is in our own interest
I think trump is worse than the nigger tbh
Im looking forward to 5g
So they can tortute me harder
Ah ok all the actual people left again and its just ai
Idk how Q has so many followers still after the non retards left but i guess there really are that many desperate stupid people
No no no anons trump is still saving the world
snorts cocaine and fucks a 15 year old
Israel is saved for last
highfives netanyahu
Nothing says god sent me like promoting clown world and propping up the demonic state of israel
And giving up the culture war
man i love false religions
Lol you have to target a autistic 24 year old for kicks
Nobody gives a shit what you think freddy
Aka Q
Fuck off jew bot im shitposting
Art of the deal by donald trump
In it he reveals how much of a jew gangster he is
And he sucks a whole lot of celebrity dick in that book
Still funny tho 9/10 book
Q drops are literally the shit you can see on any conspiracy site
Interlaced with neocon bullshit to get you to trust the govt
Fuck trump
Fuck Q
Fuck their masters
No that would be me
Thank god for that this board needs to be lit on fire
So many people being misled by Q and the cia
Im willing to bet that ill come to this board for the lols in like 6 months
And nothing will have happened at all
Outside of the usual enrichment and larping about the swamp
Ill take estrogen if trump actually does something good that actually fixes shit for people who arnt rich or israeli
Nah there were some digs here around the time Q decided corsi was too much of a threat to his psyop
Its always been cancer tho
But it used to be way funnier
All the actual anons left to go play videogames or literally anything else
Because anyone with a brain realized Q was full of shit
Why would Q intentionally mislead anons
The deep state aint falling,for thst shit
Q just tries to make people go crazy and get demoralized so they wont fight back
I would legitimately not save someone like Q if they were drowning
Me man
Me slave to hollywood movie
Me tuff
Me buy car
Me entire personality based on the lies of clown world
No men have feeling
Men who have feeling gay
Thats just muh dick guy
Q hires "shills" so dumb people assume that such an obvious shill is the cia trying to derail the board
When in reality its Q
Aka the cia
All on the same team
I wonder what jewish megabill trump,will let them pass next
His only veto was for a wall scam and fucking yemen war
What a literal kike at least the nigger had opposition
Why lie to me demon i know exactly what you are
And what youre capable of
Its not gonna work lol
He doesnt
Hes paid to sow division
Anyone with a brain knows that trump is just the same as usual
The second i escape this prison planet and 3d im gonna do so many things to all you demons
Ok time to leave this shit board
The demons and mind control are active again
Byeeee faggots
Keep up the hopium
I hope it makes you guys happy cuz eventually reality will set in and youll all be sad
You were lied to
Just find something to do like,drugs or videogames and wait for all the lemmings to riot
Which is basically never sadly
You got any family or other demons i can use for cooking
I have a really nice idea for chilli
Shouldnt you be idol worshipping a israel first mass murderer ?
Seriously you people make me,sick
It was one thing when trump,wasnt obvious about it but now that he is you all should be ashamed of how stupid you are
Too bad im not on anyones faggot side
Unless you count god
And god doesnt give a fuck about illuminati power struggles