Possible msg from USAF tweet
#DYK = 4(D) 25(Y) 11(K) or 4-25-11
April 25, 2011 News Articles
*Wikileaks reveals 150 "knowingly" innocent men held at Gitmo
*McCain calls for NATO escalation in Libya
*Fed court reinstates case against Blackwater
*500 killed in Nigeria bombings, including church bombings
*Obama says Wikileaks (Manning) broke law, not the same as Daniel Ellsburg (Pentagon Papers) "Different type of Classification"
2015 = Qpost 2015 = what you know now
C-17 and 3 million = See Q3 = Open your eyes…Rod/Bob….Uranium 1
55,555 = 5:5 = Understand comms
2948 = Qpost 2948 (references pb Anon post #5489614 = QClock
C17 and 342 = See Qpost 342
"End is Near", Rod, and Future proves past