Anonymous ID: 51bae5 April 22, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6274474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

we need to do an audit of all education dollars going back 75 years and see who profitteered off of student loans and claw back the monies from self-dealing pension funds.

Anonymous ID: 51bae5 April 22, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6274531   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you will get to meet Leonoi Paysuer and he will rehabilitate you by tickling you.


no really, can't say.


what did the Rosenbergs get?


Treasons is pretty serious. I'm going with

'you were just following orders'


but that won't fly either.




if it's really treason you ought to know what the punishment is or you aren't a very good reporter.

what we say it is doesn't realy matter.

look to the law.

as a journalist you should know this already.

Anonymous ID: 51bae5 April 22, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.6274585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4678


A song request?


listen, we are at a lull.

just chill.

It was brutal over the weekend.

Seems like the White House is still celbrating, and holding off on what's next.


a song request?

Anonymous ID: 51bae5 April 22, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6274636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4651 >>4733


isn't he an obvious 'bait' person trolling for those who would hate someone just for being who they are?

I have never heard anyone say he has anything charged against him, just some tasteless posts that were seemingly him trolling.


and you still make up more things about him.


After seeing how handsome he is in the photo of him at the temple I'm sure he's a good person and a bit of a bad ass.


He's got all you making up stories about him.

I'm making them up too, and in them he's a hero.

I might be wrong, but at least I'm not channelling hatred.

I admit that what I say about him is a fiction.


He seems like a bad ass. I'm rather impressed with his significant trolling.


Has he got me under a spell?

He seems like a charming young man I'd be glad to meet him


but, alas, as an anon, there is no way to do it.


so who wants to take my bait and tell me what a looser I am for saying: he's a sweet and charming young man. Any match maker would be happy to have him as a client.


Where is Dolly Levy when you need her?

Anonymous ID: 51bae5 April 22, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6274728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4753


When Q posts most of the shitposting stops.

Q does the hiatus and lets the board run itself. Sometimes bakers a obvious shills (yesterday a notable about how anons 'felt' about a person being arrested, and we all know that feelzz aren't supported int hat way. It could only be a false consensus.

the narrative was how disappointed they are in POTUS.


and that made notables.


Do you remember when the porn or gore shill roboposted for like five breads and BV or baker had to keep deleting the posts, and IP hopping?


that was horrible!


The board is what it is.

and when Q needs to Q will post again.


It really does change every day.


when the shills are taking themselves far too seriously there are those of us, when Q is abscent, who make a sport of derailing them, especially if we think that they are having a field day. Well I really only speak for myself.

my trigger is the conformation shills, I usually get right in their little stream of malarchy and tell them some things to throw eggs in their fan.


but, yes, some shills do seem to want to bight.


another important point, and as a long term lurker I am sure you know this: some of hte people who are 'hated' really are not so hated.


Some of the 'shills' are really just trolling for newbees to teach them. that is called trolling. The ones who do it are tyring to pop bubbles of fallacy.


so cheer up.

we've made it this far.

think about it: everywhere else on the Internet is pretty much closed to ideas unless you own it.


and we are still here.