Anonymous ID: 796276 April 22, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6274486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4495 >>4614

Sperry is all over this bs…. QTeam?



Sarah Sanders' statements that the FBI rank-and-file were disgruntled with Comey were, in fact, accurate. Mueller is merely protecting Comey in his report. The evidence that FBI field agents were up in arms over Comey's handling of the Clinton probe is overwhelming. Stay tuned…


Paul Sperry



18m18 minutes ago


The heart of #SpyGate scandal is the Hillary-funded DOSSIER, which was used by the:


→ CIA to brief Congress


→ FBI to open P.I.


→ FBI to obtain FISAs


→ ODNI to draft ICA


→FBI director to brief POTUS


→ Congress to open probes/hearings


→ SCO to map investigation

Anonymous ID: 796276 April 22, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.6274504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paul Sperry



25m25 minutes ago


Key question Republicans must ask Mueller when he testifies: When did he first learn that the dossier he relied on was paid for by the Clinton campaign? Did he continue to use it after the Washington Post in Oct 2017 publicly revealed that its author was working for Democrats?

Anonymous ID: 796276 April 22, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.6274522   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paul Sperry



40m40 minutes ago


BREAKING: 9/11 Minimizer Rep. Ilhan Omar Also Slammed U.S. Soldiers Who Died in 'Black Hawk Down' Incident


Her tweet saying that "thousands of Somalis [were] killed by the American forces" exaggerated the Somali death toll and omitted important context.

Anonymous ID: 796276 April 22, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6274529   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FLASH BACK: Mueller Report makes only passing ref to Steele dossier, as if Mueller didn't rely on it, but he used dossier as his case theory & road map for investigation, even sending FBI agents to London to debrief Steele for at least 2 days in Sept 2017