Anonymous ID: 88669c April 22, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.6274269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4476

>>6273906 lb

>Michael Obama is in Paris right beside Notre Dame while it burns…

>Now it turns out that Pelosi was in the town in Ireland when that reporter was killed…?


Not ONLY that…

Pedo-Podesta was in NZ right before the 'Mosque shootings' AND Samantha Powers was in Sri Lanka last month!

Anonymous ID: 88669c April 22, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6274476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4482


>Michael Obama is in Paris right beside Notre Dame while it burns…

>Pelosi was in the town in Ireland when that reporter was killed…

>Pedo-Podesta was in NZ right before the 'Mosque shootings'

>Samantha Powers was in Sri Lanka month before Church bombings

Anonymous ID: 88669c April 22, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.6274518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4625 >>4686

Chomsky: Dems Handed Trump a ‘Huge Gift,’ Possibly the 2020 Election by Focusing on Russia

On a recent episode of “Democracy Now!” MIT professor emeritus and avowed left-wing political theorist Noam Chomsky said in the fallout of the Mueller report, Democrats “handed” a huge gift to President Donald Trump by putting a heavy focus on Russia.


Chomsky warned that by investing “everything” in Russia, Democrats also might have given Trump a 2020 presidential reelection win.


“As far as Trump collusion with the Russians, that was never going to amount to anything more than minor corruption, maybe building a Trump hotel in Red Square or something like that, but nothing of any significance,” Chomsky explained. “The Democrats invested everything in this issue. Well, turned out there was nothing much there. They gave Trump a huge gift. In fact, they may have handed him the next election. That’s just a—that’s a matter of being so unwilling to deal with fundamental issues, that they’re looking for something on the side that will somehow give political success. The real issues are different things.”