Anonymous ID: ad3b51 April 22, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.6274057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4108

>>6272417 (PB - PB - PB)

Denmark anon here … And i call BULLSHIT on this . Denmark has the highest income tax in the world and proportionately the biggest public sector in the world by a considerable margin . Two absolute cornerstone features in any socialist state , a fact mr. goofytoofer skates over real fast .

Yes Denmark has a classic Keynesian capitalist private sector , if not Denmark would have gone full Venezuela-tard a LONG time ago (FFS), instead we take a more slowmotion route towards inevitable socialist ruin .

Healt care in Denmark is a polished turd , but a stinkin´ turd nonetheless . The top students say "boo-bye" the second they have their diploma , and the danish taxpayer is left with 3.rank doctors and shit tier healthcare , as in most other countries , the danish doctors are nothing more than glorified and overpaid pill-pushers for their big pharma masters . Look i know danish healtcare - and it is SHIT !


Okay then there is the "education system", witch would leave Stalin and Marx super proud . My tween came home a few years back and said enthusiastically "we learned about Adolf Hitler in school" , we discussed back and forth for a while and then i asked "so did you learn about socialism , Stalin , Lenin , Marx , chaiman Mao Zedong ?" to wich the answer was "???".

The danish public school is a piece of fucking brainwashing garbage , and the same goes for the higher "learnig" institutions .


And then you have the danish MSM . Once again all the major socialist fascists would not have imagined this effective propaganda tool in their wildest dreams .

Danish citizens are forced to pay for the lies they are fed through the MSM via "licens" ( soon to be reformed , so that it is raked in through taxes ) , there is no escaping the propaganda unless you pull the plug completely ( like me ) , you will not escape paying off course . The left wing bias in the danish MSM is blatantly obvious , unless you are completely brainwashed and lobotomized witch the wast majority of the danish population seem to be , i´m extremely sorry to say .


This here is barely grazing the problems of HARDCORE SOCIALIST DENMARK , the list goes on and on and on , and so could i but i´ll leave at this for now .


I remember back in the 90´s , the worlds leading expert on governments , a russian prof. (don`t remember his name - sorry ) visited Denmark to study the the danish model . And his conclusion …? … "The danish form of government is probably the closest you can come to funtional communism".

Well fucking TADAA !


And that wording "wellfare state" … I´ll take propagadistic word wanking for a thousand please . It makes my fucking skin crawl … "wellfare state" … disgusting .


And the goofertoofer dude in the vid. ? A classic Keynesian liberal , earns his tax payer subsidized paycheck at CEPOS , a liberal "analytics institute" … ( PROPAGANDA ! )

Anonymous ID: ad3b51 April 22, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.6274179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4221


Denmark is a small country , and it would seem that when mutti Merkel and / or daddy Rothchild says JUMP , our spineless politicians jump . I´d like to think they jump because they don`t have a choice , but i lost all faith in ALL danish politicians , i honestly think they like seving their masters for scraps of money and power . Filthy traitors all of them . May they burn in hell forever .

Anonymous ID: ad3b51 April 22, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.6274278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4282 >>4320


Thanks fren , feels good .

You wouldn´t believe the thick propaganda served up in the DK MSM , it´s pretty insane , and my countrymen are absolutely lobotomized , i honestly don´t think you´ll find more than 25 danes on here at any given time … how to wake muh retarded coutrymen ?

Anonymous ID: ad3b51 April 22, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6274437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks and right back at ya . Me thinks a Danish Q thread would be very dead and baron , there already is a nordic Q thread and it´s pretty covered in dust and cobwebs . Scandinavianons are VERY brainwashed … VERY