Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6275597   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5839 >>6003 >>6281

Redacted’s Karavani Aims Her Water Cannon at Nestle and Its Poland Spring Water Fraud


“Is [Nestlé’s] Poland Spring the same as your sink water? No. It’s worse. One or more of the company’s wells are near present or former human waste dump, landfill, or similar site.”


POLAND SPRING, MAINE — Nestlé is facing a class-action lawsuit from consumers in eight states in New England, based on claims that the Poland Spring brand is “100% Natural Spring Water.” The plaintiffs, from Maine to Pennsylvania, are alleging deceptive labeling.


A classic example is labeling something “all natural.” That label really means that all of the ingredients occur in nature, but it doesn’t guarantee a healthier product. There are plenty of unhealthy things in nature, like tobacco. However, the label “all natural” implies a healthier product because many other products are pumped full of chemicals. What Nestlé does is more egregious. They put “Poland Spring” on their water. Consumers often make the reasonable assumption the water comes from the Poland Spring in Maine that is the implied source. They then think it’s fresh spring water when in reality it’s groundwater.


Water goes well with chocolate. But, speaking specifically of the Nestlé company and its shoddy products, a better phrase would be: Nestlé water is tolerable when paired with Nestlé chocolate.


Redacted Tonight reporter Naomi Karavani delivers a “Crunch” to the Nestlé name as she outs the Poland Spring brand bottled by Nestlé for deceptive marketing:


It turns out Poland Spring is not from natural springs. Nor from any springs. Nor from the Poland Spring of Maine. Nor from Poland Poland.”


Drawing from an expose in the New York Times, she continues taking bites out of Nestlé:


Not one drop of Poland Spring water actually qualifies as spring water, a class-action lawsuit says.”


Now that Karavani has you thirsty, it’s time for some dry wit:


That was more shocking to me than learning that Gerber Baby Food was now actually made by this baby [the camera zooms in on the iconic Gerber baby logo]. That’s why I stopped eating it at the age of 13. Not because i could chew. Chewing is for street people.”


Naomi Karavani: Nestle’s Water Not What They Say

Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.6275620   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5629

Modi Delivers Ironic “Peace Day” Message Netanyahu Borrowed from Hitler


Modi’s speech regarding how only the “strong” are to be respected, while issuing an implicit threat of using nuclear weapons against enemies of the state, is strikingly similar to a speech given by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — an ally of Modi — last September.


SURENDRANAGAR, INDIA — As India’s election season drags on and nears its conclusion, current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has continued to use speeches on the campaign trail to threaten using nuclear bombs against neighboring Pakistan in an attempt to portray himself as tough on “terrorism.”


In a speech delivered last Wednesday that was widely overlooked by international media, Modi used extreme rhetoric that threatens to raise already heightened tensions between India and Pakistan — both of which are nuclear powers that nearly went to war in late February. Modi stated:


Earlier, terrorists from Pakistan would come here and go back after conducting an attack. Pakistan would threaten us, saying it has the nuclear bomb and will press the button [if India retaliated]. We have the mother of nuclear bombs. I decided to tell them, do whatever you want to do but we will retaliate.”


“In the past our people would weep, go around the world saying Pakistan did this, did that … It is now Pakistan’s turn to weep,” Modi added, in an apparent suggestion that the “new India” Modi hopes to create if re-elected would take aggressive action against its northern neighbor.


Modi then alluded to the potential for an attack on Pakistan using Indian ground forces:

Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6275675   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5695

Far-right slate to offer PM immunity law in exchange for settlement annexation


URWP’s long list of demands ahead of coalition talks to also include law barring High Court from overriding Knesset legislation, reducing authority of AG and state comptroller


The Union of Right-Wing Parties is demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commit to annexing all Israeli settlements in the West Bank in exchange for the faction sponsoring legislation that would could grant the premier immunity from prosecution, a spokesman for a senior party lawmaker confirmed to The Times of Israel on Monday.


The party is expected to officially kick off negotiations with Netanyahu’s Likud party next week, but has begun to publicly press for a long list of demands, ranging from high level ministerial portfolios to legislation that will blunt the power of the Supreme Court to act as a check on the Knesset.


URWP leaders have already publicly revealed some of their stipulations for entering the government over the past nearly two weeks since the April 9 elections.

Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.6275709   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5713 >>5715 >>5797 >>5839 >>5938 >>6003 >>6281

Global War on Christianity Heats Up Like Crazy


This Easter Sunday, it’s time to tell the truth about the global war on Christianity (and the rise of Satanism)


In case you haven’t heard, Christian churches are being bombed all over the world today by radical Islamic terrorists. In Sri Lanka alone, there are 207 Christians reported dead so far and 450+ injured in just one day. This is just days after the burning down of Notre Dame in France, a fire that the media has gone to desperate lengths to report was not set on purpose by Islamic terrorists. (They are now blaming a computer glitch, if you can believe that.)


Across the Middle East, in places like Syria, Christians are being persecuted by the hundreds of thousands. They are killed, tortured and run out of their own homes and countries. Even in places like the Philippines, Islamic terrorists have seized entire islands and targeted Christians for slaughter. As stated by The Gatestone Institute International Policy Council:


The new terrorism in the Philippines is not merely inspired by political or territorial grievances, real or imagined, but rather is imbued with intrinsic hate for the “other” — for the “infidel.” In May 2017, in the city of Marawi, a civilian bus was stopped by jihadis; when 9 passengers were discovered to be Christian — apparently because they were not able to quote the Koran — they were tied together and shot dead, execution style. The jihadis who took over Marawi during the uprising forced women into sex-slavery and ordered Christian men embrace Islam or be used as human shields against the Philippine Army.


In the United States, Christians are being systematically de-platformed off all social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, all of which are now dominated by Satanists who despise Christianity. At the same time, every single Democrat running for president in 2020 has a record of attacking Christianity and either directly or indirectly supporting the silencing of Christians and Christian principles.


Christianity is under attack like never before, all across our world. Yet the left-wing media pretends it isn’t happening. Instead, they claim it is gays, minorities or Muslims who are under attack, and that same media now essentially equates belief in God with “white supremacist” beliefs.

Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.6275722   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5727 >>5839 >>6003 >>6212 >>6281

Mark Zuckerberg turned American classrooms into nonconsensual laboratories for his pet educational theories, and now they're rebelling


Summit Learning is a nonprofit, high-tech "customized learning" group funded by Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's family charity; under the program, students are equipped with high-surveillance Chromebooks and work on their own "at their own pace" and call on teachers to act as "mentors" when they get stuck.



It's a high-tech version of student-led education, where a high teacher-to-pupil ratio allows students to pursue self-directed education based on their own proclivities and interests, and mentor one another. But in the Zuck version, students work alone in front of screens, in social isolation, taking automated quizzes to assess their progress.


Many students and parents find this incredibly invasive and frustrating. Students with special needs – exactly the group that you'd expect to benefit most from "customized learning" – find the systems especially troublesome, and for students with screen-triggered epilepsy, the systems are pure torture.


The result is rebellion, with parents withdrawing students from school altogether, or demanding that alternative accommodations be made for them; students in Brooklyn have staged mass walkouts to protest the systems; other districts have canceled the program in the face of student protests, and one University of Pennsylvania study found that 70% of students opposed the program.


US education has been the plaything of billionaires since the GW Bush era, when "accountability" measures like No Child Left Behind began to starve the neediest schools while reorienting education around preparation for high-stakes testing, all thanks to wealthy right-wing ideologues who insisted that education could be improved by "running it like a business."


Then came the charter schools, which directly integrated for-profit businesses in providing tax-funded education, supported by a coalition that welded together parents' whose public schools had been so starved that they had degraded beyond hope; religious fanatics who wanted publicly funded parochial education that omitted sexual health, evolution and other evidence-based curriculum; and wealthy people who wanted to opt their kids into racially and class-segregated environments.


Fucking with education is now the sport of oligarchs: witness the Gates' Foundation's $775 million "Big Data" boondoggleto the Sacklers' ploughing of their bloody opioid epidemic money into anti-public education campaigns and the Koch and Walton families' work to discredit teachers' unions; and then there's the queen of the education slayers, the heiress dilletante Betsy DeVos, an unqualified religious fanatic who is, incredibly, in charge of the nation's public schools, which she wants to defund from primary to postsecondary, though she will earmark funds to arm teachers with assault rifles.


Zuckerberg and Chan fit quite neatly into that rogue's gallery: using their money to elevate their evidence-free pet theories into educational policy that other peoples' kids have to test out in publicly funded laboratories.


When this school year started, children got laptops to use Summit software and curriculums. In class, they sat at the computers working through subjects from math to English to history. Teachers told students that their role was now to be a mentor.


Parents of special-needs students noticed problems immediately. Amy Jackson, a night-shift nurse in Wellington, has a daughter, Megan, 12, who has epilepsy and whose neurologist recommended she limit screen time to 30 minutes a day to reduce seizures. Since the school started using Summit, Megan has had seizures multiple times a day.


In Wellington’s town square, residents wrote their opposition to Summit on storefront windows.CreditAnna Petrow for The New York Times

Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.6275750   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5759

US Defeat in Syria Transforms into Campaign of Spite. “ISIS Was a Creation of the West”


The US-engineered proxy war against Syria, beginning in 2011 and the crescendo of the so-called “Arab Spring,” has ended in all but absolute defeat for Washington.


Its primary goal of overthrowing the Syrian government and/or rendering the nation divided and destroyed as it has done to Libya has not only failed – but triggered a robust Russian and Iranian response giving both nations an unprecedented foothold in Syria and unprecedented influence throughout the rest of the region.


Lamenting America’s defeat in Syria in the pages of Foreign Affairs is Brett McGurk – a career legal and diplomatic official in Washington whose most recent title was, “Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.” He resigned in protest over alleged plans for a US withdrawal from its illegal occupation of eastern Syria.


McGurk’s lengthy complaints are full of paragraph-to-paragraph contradictions – illustrating the lack of legitimate unified purpose underpinning US policy in Syria.


In his article titled, “Hard Truths in Syria: America Can’t Do More With Less, and It Shouldn’t Try,” McGurk would claim (emphasis added):


Over the last four years, I helped lead the global response to the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS)—an effort that succeeded in destroying an ISIS “caliphate” in the heart of the Middle East that had served as a magnet for foreign jihadists and a base for launching terrorist attacks around the world.


McGurk would also claim (emphasis added):


Following a phone call with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Trump gave a surprise order to withdraw all U.S. troops from Syria, apparently without considering the consequences. Trump has since modified that order—his plan, as of the writing of this essay, is for approximately 200 U.S. troops to stay in northeastern Syria and for another 200 to remain at al-Tanf, an isolated base in the country’s southeast. (The administration also hopes, likely in vain, that other members of the coalition will replace the withdrawn U.S. forces with forces of their own.)


Yet if anything McGurk says is true, then ISIS is undoubtedly a threat not only to the United States, but to all of its coalition partners – mainly Western European nations. Why wouldn’t they eagerly commit troops to the coalition if ISIS truly represented a threat to their security back home? And why would the US withdraw any troops in the first place if this were true?


The answer is very simple – ISIS was a creation of the West – a tool explicitly designed to help “isolate” the Syrian government and carry out military and terrorist operations the US and its partners were unable to do openly.


It was in a leaked 2012 US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memo (PDF) that revealed the US and its allies’ intent to create what it called a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria. The memo would explicitly state that (emphasis added):


If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).


On clarifying who these supporting powers were, the DIA memo would clarify:

Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6275873   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6203



God Denies Satan's Book of Revelation - The Organic Gospel has been Reinstated


Why would God allow 2/3 of the world pop to die?


Why does the God of revelation become vengeful and violent?


The roman catholics added Revelation to the canon in 355AD.


This is from the pharisees this is the cabals plan. It serves their goals and allows them to rule. The hopeful savior coming to save us after WE have let them set up their satanic NWO gives reason for good people to do nothing.



Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.6275940   🗄️.is đź”—kun

“The satanic global Jewish #mafia may have signed their own death warrant with anti-Christian terrorisms in France, the Easter massacre in Sri Lanka (in which no Israelis were killed), and elsewhere,”

Anonymous ID: a63fbe April 22, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6276010   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6018

Battleground Florida: Soros-Funded Groups Work to Register 1.4 Million Ex-Felons Ahead of 2020


Progressive organizations, many financed by billionaire activist George Soros, are working overtime to restore voting rights for Florida’s nearly 1.4 million ex-felons as the nation’s biggest swing state seems poised to play a pivotal electoral role in the 2020 presidential race.


The current battle revolves around a Florida state amendment that was passed last year restoring voting rights for felons, with progressive groups opposing a local bill that would require the state’s ex-felons to first pay civil fines and court fees before registering to vote.


Florida’s Amendment Four was approved by voters during last year’s Midterm election


The heavily Soros-funded American Civil Liberties Union and Brennan Center for Justice based in New York both served as consultants in drafting Amendment Four.


Soros’s Open Society Foundations donated $50 million to the ACLU. The Brennan Center has been the recipient of numerous grants from Soros’s Open Society Foundations totaling over $7,466,000 from 2000 to 2010 alone.


Desmond Meade, president of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, helped lead activism that put Florida’s Amendment Four on the ballot last year, including a news-making petition to restore voting rights to the released felons. His group is currently opposing efforts to require the former felons to pay their court fees prior to regaining their voting abilities.


“When I looked out of the plane, I said somewhere down there’s an imaginary line that divides Florida from Georgia. And it reminds me of the days of slavery when all a slave had to do was cross an imaginary line to get to freedom,” Meade said, comparing the ex-felon registration drive to the fight against slavery.


“And I said there is no way in hell in the 2000s should any American citizen have to escape another state to experience their freedom and their democracy.”


Meade’s official bio boasts that in his capacity at the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, he has “orchestrated the reorganization and incorporation of a coalition comprised of over 70 state and national organizations and individuals”