Anonymous ID: efd125 March 11, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.627995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8065 >>8081

Many of the detailed references to Angela Merkel's long ago past have been scrubbed. More of what's left will be removed after Q's posts yesterday. I read somewhere just the other day that she's not Hitler's daughter, but his half sister…same father. Sauce gone from the internet now.

Anonymous ID: efd125 March 11, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.628372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8394 >>8475

Haven't see a dig on Zuckerberg's wife yet either. Some say she's his handler. Could she be significant?


Dude is a toad, but she ain't no beauty either. Men who have tons of money usually go for beautiful women. He could obviously have done way better than her. But, as Q said, these people don't marry for love…so what is the connection here? The Zuckerbergs have donated billions of dollars to their charitable foundation—which really isn't a private foundation but an LLC. From Wiki:


"The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is not a charitable trust or a private foundation but a limited liability company which can be for-profit, can spend money on lobbying,can make political donations, does not have to disclose its pay to its top five executives and has fewer other transparency requirements compared to a charitable trust. Under this legal structure, as Forbes wrote it, "Zuckerberg will still control the Facebook shares owned by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative"."


In other words, they can funnel money though this organization for whatever shady cause they want to and they are not obliged to open the books for inspection. Clever. How many of the other private 'foundations' are like this? They call it "philanthrocapitalism".


Other bigshots who do philanthrocapitalism: Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller (Rockefeller Foundation), Warren Buffett and Bill Gates (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).[6] As have Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Bronfman, Carl Icahn, David Rockefeller and others.


Most are contributors to The Giving Pledge—another global charitable organization. It is another exclusive club for the elites who claim to be giving back to the world. The actualities are obscured. Looks like another shady operation if you ask me. And take a look at the names and photos of signatories. What is the one thing you notice that most (perhaps all) of them have in common? You have only one guess and you're not going to get it wrong.





Anonymous ID: efd125 March 11, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.628445   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't recall a dig on Oxfam's charitable operations in Haiti. Don't want to duplicate if already done, but they were recently busted too.

Anonymous ID: efd125 March 11, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.628483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Many aren't aware of POTUS long-time friendship with Dennis Rodman or what Rodman may REALLY have been doing in North Korea during his visits there…


The fake media is finally beginning to get a clue that they are no match for POTUS…

