Anonymous ID: 7cd0da April 22, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.6277964   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7989

Kremlin Confirms Kim Jong Un To Meet Putin In Russia By End Of April


Just as US-North Korea nuclear negotiations have remained in a stalled low point, with North Korea's Leader Kim Jong Un days ago demanding that Secretary of State and former CIA chief, Mike Pompeo, should be replaced for any future negotiations with the US, the Kremlin has confirmed it's in the "final stages" of preparations to host Kim for talks with President Putin by the end of this month.


"Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are on track to meet by the end of April," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Monday, according to Reuters. The summit was initially revealed last week, in a first such bilateral summit since Kim came to power in 2011.

Peskov stopped short of giving a precise date for the summit, but reaffirmed it will occur within the next week, in the remaining days of April.


"Indeed, the meeting is being prepared and the preparations have entered the final stage. The encounter will take place before the end of April," the Kremlin spokesman said.


Though the precise venue has also yet to be revealed, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency, hinted that the summit would place in Vladivostok in the Russian Far East.


Kim Jong Un's first summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin could include a visit to a naval vessel of Russia's Pacific fleet, according to a Japanese press report.


Kyodo News reported Monday Kim could also attend a performance of the Mariinsky Ballet and stop by the largest aquarium in the Russian Far East during the summit this week. Kim Chang Son, vice chairman of North Korea's state affairs commission, has been inspecting various sites, according to the report. — UPI


Over the past year two summits between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the first in June 2018 and the second in February 2019, have failed to reach an agreement over the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.


And now it appears Putin is prepared to step in and capitalize at a moment when Washington's engagement with Pyongyang is uncertain and in disarray. The question remains: can Putin unlock the stalled nuclear dialogue between the US and Pyongyang?


There's another key factor to the timing of Kim's historic trip to Russia, as Asia Times notes: "News analysis of satellite imagery had indicated renewed activity at the Yongbyon nuclear facility, and then North Korea earlier this month tested its first new tactical guided weapon with a 'powerful warhead' signaling the onset of brinkmanship with Washington."


Russia has long supported the lifting of North Korea sanctions, and thus Kim is expected to find a more sympathetic ear in Putin.

Anonymous ID: 7cd0da April 22, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.6278132   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8335

The Cataclysmic $243 Trillion Global Debt Bomb Will Explode, Impoverishing Everyone

(this is a bit doomer pron however the point(s) raised are not pron)


Once the global debt bomb explodes, there won’t be much left for anyone. Governments will fall, individuals will be impoverished, and businesses will implode. The elitists in power have tried to keep everyone in the dark, but maybe there’s an answer to this devastation.

Global debt now stands at a terrifying $243 trillion according to a report by the Institute of International Finance this week. That’s quarter of a quadrillion. We’re in the realms of the absurd and the unsustainable. That’s money that will never be repaid. The debt-based system is irrevocably broken and is still propped up by the lies told by central bankers and governments in order to remain in positions of power over others.


The record debt figure stands at three-times the world’s total gross domestic product (GDP). In other words, it’s three times larger than the value of all products and services on the planet. And the United States is contributing massively to this problem, propping up a debt bubble that will crush everyone when it finally bursts. It’s pretty safe to say that if you aren’t concerned, you simply aren’t paying attention and will be hurt when it all collapses.


An irresponsible monetary system addicted to printing money and issuing credit is destroying the standard of living almost everywhere on the planet. It’s time to admit that we, as human beings, need a new alternative to the control, wealth redistribution, theft, and slavery that’s overtaken humanity. And one website dares to say that while it’s far from perfect, bitcoin offers a viable solution with its fixed supply.


According to CCN, Bitcoin, the decentralized cryptocurrency, is a way out of the poorly designed monetary system forced down all of our throats by power-hungry sociopaths. When economic growth is insufficient, governments and companies borrow more money. But this is nothing more than a cycle of addiction, writes John Mauldin inForbes:


“This is classic addiction behavior. You have to keep raising the dose to get the same high… Central banks enable debt because they think it will generate economic growth. Sometimes it does. The problem is they create debt with little regard for how it will be used.”


When the next global financial crisis occurs, and the world realizes organizations with $20 trillion in debt can't possibly ever pay it back, and thus must print it instead, and thus fiat is doomed… watch what happens to crypto.

— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) November 8, 2018


Bitcoin could be the answer to a fiat currency because there is a fixed amount. No one can magically print a bitcoin out of thin air. In our current fiat system, central banks create money in a process called quantitative easing. The central banks issue new money and use it to buy bonds and assets. This has the effect of introducing more money into supply, lowering the purchasing power of your money, and encouraging low-cost lending.


The ONLY concern with Bitcoin, is that it only has value if someone wants it. It’s a commodity. If there’s any kind of ultimate cataclysmic event and no power grid to access your Bitcoin, it’s going be of no use. If the system collapses and people begin to starve, they can’t eat a bitcoin any more than they could eat a bar of gold. That’s why diversification is key – and a point far too many tend to overlook.


If investing in cryptocurrency makes sense for you, consider also storing some extra food, and maybe picking up some precious metals. It’s almost impossible to tell what will happen exactly when the debt bubble explodes, and you may want to have several options at your disposal. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. The more options you have in your arsenal, the better.