Anonymous ID: f0ecf2 April 22, 2019, 4:34 p.m. No.6277957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7975 >>8020 >>8112 >>8114 >>8252 >>8385 >>8589

John Podesta 2015 Email Reveals Plot to “Slaughter Trump” by Linking Him to Putin and Russia


As TGP reported on Sunday Jimmy Dore gave a speech using facts and public documents to expose the origins of the Clinton-Podesta Trump collusion narrative.


Of course, there was never anything there between Trump and Russia. Russia was the furthest thing from the Trump campaign. But, as Jimmy Dore explains, Hillary Clinton knew her biggest vulnerability was the fact that she sold off one-fifth of US uranium to the Russians for a few hundred million and a half-million dollar speech to Bill Clinton from Putin.


So John Podesta devised the lie to project on Trump that he was the candidate colluding with Russia.


It was all initiated by the Clinton inner circle.


In December 2015 the plan was devised to “slaughter Donald Trump” by linking his to Vladimir Putin and Russia.


And John Podesta was the key player behind the scheme.


This email was leaked by Wikileaks and revealed John Podesta and Hillary’s inner circle’s plan to “slaughter Trump.”


And this is from the book “Shattered” on Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss to candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 election.


The Hillary team after losing the election immediately devised a plan within 24 hours to frame President-elect Donald Trump. They already had pushed Russian hacking as a centerpiece of their argument. And they already knew that their comrades in the Deep State FBI and DOJ were setting up and spying on Trump campaign officials.

Anonymous ID: f0ecf2 April 22, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.6278060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8112 >>8252 >>8589

Evidence Shows Obama Deep State May Have Unmasked Trump Business Associates as Early as the Spring of 2015!


But We Knew That, Time For Them To Know


New evidence shows that Obama’s Deep State was spying on Trump business associates as far back as the spring of 2015. This was the same time candidate Trump decided to run for the Presidency. These individuals may have been unmasked at the same time!


The Wall Street Journal reported in July 2017, shortly after the Mueller investigation started, the following [emphasis added] –


Investigators are re-examining conversations detected by U.S. intelligence agencies in spring 2015 that captured Russian government officials discussing associates of Donald Trump, according to current and former U.S. officials, a move prompted by revelations that the president’s eldest son met with a Russian lawyer last year.


Revisiting this report provides much information not only on what is said, but what is not said.


When the CIA wiretaps foreigners, sometimes Americans get caught up in the spying. That is called “incidental collection.” Because the CIA is bound by the Constitution, the information concerning that American citizen must be blacked out.


NBC News reported in March 2017 the following exceptions to covering up the identities of Americans which is referred to as ‘unmasking’ –


If there is incidental collection of information by or about an American, that information is usually blacked out in any intelligence report that is generated. However, the American’s name and what he or she said, or what was said about him or her, can be “unmasked” if there is evidence of a crime, or if the information is needed to understand the foreign intelligence.


We know that the Trump business associates noted by the Wall Street Journal were spied by in the spring of 2015. This is long before the Trump Tower meeting [that many now believe was a set up by Obama’s Deep State FBI and DOJ] which occurred on June 9, 2016, and was widely reported by the far left Mainstream media. This was about the time Donald Trump announced his bid for President.



The business associates of candidate Trump were unmasked at least by the time of the Wall Street Journal article, July 2017, just by the fact that they’re identified as “associates of Donald Trump”. Otherwise, they would say something like “American 1,” “Male-1,” etc.


The fact that the Deep State was “re-examining” records indicates that the individuals were spied on and perhaps unmasked at about the same the time President Trump began his 2016 Presidential campaign.


So whoever those unmasked individuals were, they had nothing to do with Team Trump, they were only Trump the businessman, because Trump didn’t have a Team Trump at in the spring of 2015.


Additionally, those individuals would have had to be involved in some sort of crime in order to be unmasked. If no crime had taken place then the unmasking was illegal – what was the crime?


The Obama Deep State are criminals, “they’ll do anything”

Anonymous ID: f0ecf2 April 22, 2019, 4:52 p.m. No.6278215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8245 >>8252 >>8292 >>8589

Exclusive: Van Jones Praises Trump Admin for 'Great' Work on Prison Reform


hallelujah, A Compliment From The Left


CNN commentator Van Jones sparked a controversy among his liberal peers by extending a hand to President Trump on the issue of criminal justice reform last year. He doesn't regret it in the slightest. In fact, he has praised the administration for its work in getting the First Step Act passed and, when he brought his message to CPAC in March, he admitted conservatives have taken the lead on this issue.


Still, he's the exception, not the rule. Too often, liberals and conservatives "are talking about each other, not to each other," he regrets.


Jones hopes that his new show, "The Redemption Project," can change that - at least when it comes to crime and punishment.


Jones's interest in prison reform dates back to the early 1990s when he had just graduated from Yale Law school. It was in the era of the Rodney King uprisings and President Bill Clinton's crime bill and, as a young African-American lawyer, the issue of crime and punishment was in his face constantly.


"My whole generation was being put on trial by the system so I wanted to put the system on trial," Jones explained in an interview with Townhall. "So I spent 25 years doing that."


For his new show, Jones helps facilitate victim-offender dialogues across the country. In the season premiere, a mother named Terria comes face-to-face with the man who killed her son over drugs. Astoundingly, in the footage provided by the show, she not only forgives him but tells him she wants to be his mentor and help him overcome his own addiction. Jones said that happens more often than you might think. In three of the episodes he filmed for the show, the victims even helped to get their offenders released.


Sometimes, for victims, "the only way to move forward is to meet face to face with the person who ruined their lives," as Jones explains in his narration.


If people who have lost loved ones can come together with the prisoners who upended their lives, then the rest of us “have a responsibility to try to do the same thing,” Jones said.


Jones wanted to embark on "The Redemption Project" because he does the same work off-camera. He was invited to the Trump White House last year as the administration was pursuing passage of the First Step Act and at the time commended Trump for being "tough" on the matter. He praised the White House again on Monday, adding, however, that it is indeed just a "first step."

"Legislatively, I think the Trump administration did a great job on the First Step Act. Implementing it I think we still have a long way to go and there are others I think the Department of Justice could be doing better."


He shared that he still has an open dialogue with the president, Jared Kushner and other officials in the administration.


Jones has met the people that can most be helped by the First Step Act, so he'll keep meeting with anyone who can help in the effort, no matter what political party they belong to.


"What I’ve learned is that, first of all for the people at the very bottom of our society, who have the least human freedom, least human dignity, they don’t care what political party you’re in," he noted. "They just need help."

Anonymous ID: f0ecf2 April 22, 2019, 5 p.m. No.6278332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8618

NYT : Steele Dossier May Have Contained Anti-Trump Disinformation Fed to Democrats By…The Russians


On Thursday, we highlighted a Politico story in which sources suggested that the Department of Justice's Inspector General is preparing a report that will call into serious question the reliability of the so-called 'Steele Dossier' – an anti-Trump, Democrat-funded opposition research document that played a significant role in the launch and continuation of the counter-intelligence probe that Robert Mueller eventually inherited and concluded. Recall that the dossier (a) was bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, (b) was assembled by a foreign ex-spy with whom the FBI ultimately cut ties after it became undeniable that he was lying to them about media leaks, and (c) was an indispensable and central element of the Obama-era DOJ's applications for warrants seeking to spy on individuals tied to the Trump campaign.


Over the weekend, the New York Times published a piece that effectively confirmed what many the president's defenders have been arguing for quite some time – namely, that the infamous dossier was full of false or unsupportable claims about then-candidate Trump. Now they tell us:


The 35-page dossier, spiced up with tales of prostitutes and spies, sketched out a hair-raising story more than two years ago. Russian intelligence had used bribery and blackmail to try to turn Donald J. Trump into a source and ally, it said, and the Kremlin was running some Trump campaign aides practically as agents. But the release on Thursday of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, underscored what had grown clearer for months — that while many Trump aides had welcomed contacts with the Russians, some of the most sensational claims in the dossier appeared to be false, and others were impossible to prove. Mr. Mueller’s report contained over a dozen passing references to the document’s claims but no overall assessment of why so much did not check out.


Now the dossier — financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, and compiled by the former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele — is likely to face new, possibly harsh scrutiny from multiple inquiries. Republicans in Congress have vowed to investigate. The Justice Department’s inspector general is considering whether the Federal Bureau of Investigation improperly relied on the dossier in applying to the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for a warrant to eavesdrop on Carter Page, a Trump adviser. The inspector general wants to know what the F.B.I. learned about Mr. Steele’s sources and whether it disclosed any doubts about their veracity to the court.


Another possibility — one that Mr. Steele has not ruled out — could be Russian disinformation. That would mean that in addition to carrying out an effective attack on the Clinton campaign, Russian spymasters hedged their bets and placed a few land mines under Mr. Trump’s presidency as well. Oleg D. Kalugin, a former K.G.B. general who now lives outside Washington, saw that as plausible. “Russia has huge experience in spreading false information,” he said…Last year, in a deposition in a lawsuit filed against Buzzfeed, Mr. Steele emphasized that his reports consisted of unverified intelligence. Asked whether he took into account that some claims might be Russian fabrications, he replied, “Yes.”

Anonymous ID: f0ecf2 April 22, 2019, 5:08 p.m. No.6278431   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed they started the article “far left commentator” wouldn’t it be odd that the far left are awoken, while the brainwashed are still brainwashed?

Anonymous ID: f0ecf2 April 22, 2019, 5:19 p.m. No.6278550   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We should all be grateful that bakers exist, but you sir are doing an excellent job….I don’t speak for myself but for all other anons that post important info. And there’s some very interdasting posts tonight