Anonymous ID: d3a989 April 22, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.6279466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6279407 lb

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told Democrat lawmakers in a conference call Monday that caucus leaders have no immediate plans to impeach President Donald Trump following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, according to a report.

The Washington Post, citing three officials on the call, reports that lawmakers were told to pump the brakes on ousting the president and instead focus on their respective committee investigations to “see where they lead.”

The Post reports:

Even House Financial Services Chairman Maxine Waters, who last week warned that “Congress’ failure to impeach is complacency in the face of the erosion of our democracy and constitutional norms,” did not push the matter. Instead, the California Democrat, a vocal Trump critic who is probing the president’s business practices before he won the 2016 election, made a point of clarifying that she is not pressuring lawmakers to join her effort.

The development comes after Pelosi cautioned House Democrats on bringing impeachment proceedings ahead of the Monday evening strategy session to discuss Mueller’s findings.

Pelosi wrote in a letter to caucus members hours before the 5:00 p.m. call: “While our views range from proceeding to investigate the findings of the Mueller report or proceeding directly to impeachment, we all firmly agree that we should proceed down a path of finding the truth. It is also important to know that the facts regarding holding the President accountable can be gained outside of impeachment hearings.”