Anonymous ID: 7c462c April 22, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.6280527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0612 >>0805

Wizardry, Magic, and Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church


A priest who uses magic tricks to entertain his congregation has asked the Pope to name a patron saint of conjurers, magicians, and wizards:


Priest, Silvio Mantelli does "Gospel Magic", long time member of London's Magic Circle:


A paedophile magician is trying to make his vile past disappear – by doing tricks under a different name.

Robert Cox left the Magic Circle after he was convicted of hoarding 18,000 child abuse pictures on his computer.

He quit performing under his real name – but has now put his act back on the road using an alias.


Creepy quote from Italian priest/

magician/wizard's "good friend" magician Arturo Brachetti:


His shows are made of the stuff of which dreams are made, always bathed in the magical light of the Moon. Complicit, mysterious, smiling upon them. In his latest show ‘Solo’, currently touring through Europe, Arturo Brachetti holds Lady Moon by a thread, almost like a balloon that’s about to flee into the night sky. "The Moon is often on stage with me," explains the quick-change magician, with the cheerful and thoughtful eyes of a sixty-year-old boy. “It brings me luck, it’s an important presence, also because I live at night, like vampires. I often can not fall asleep. We are a race apart, us nocturnal animals, we find ourselves wandering the streets at three in the morning, imbued with a mysterious restlessness. That the full moon really influences me, on a physical level, I suddenly understood one night, in London: I could not sleep and I found myself driving around through less than safe parts of the city, thinking of Jack the Ripper."


Some time ago, for the "Faustino" (see "Il Faustino", June 2005), I told the story of a singular religious from Turin, Don Silvio Mantelli, a priest is also a famous illusionist, who with the name of Mago Sales, travels the world to hold shows in favor of children in difficulty, Brachetti, when he was a boy, was a pupil of the Magician Sales who, in addition to illusionistic tricks, also taught him generosity and altruism, and Brachetti certainly surpassed the master in art of illusionism, but has never forgotten the teachings of goodness.


A few months ago, during a show by Arturo Brachetti in Italy, I brought his old master to his dressing room, witnessing a moving encounter for memories and affection.


"We are really two old friends," said Brachetti. Friends for the skin. Indeed, rather than friends, because he, this special magician, was my first teacher, my true teacher".


Arturo Brachetti smiled looking affectionately at the Magician Sales who also had his eyes shining with emotion. "I remember it," said the Sales Magician, "a thin, shy, and pallid little boy, many years ago, in a period of time out of time, precisely because the boy I met was and is a" being out of time ".


"Yes, I was a particular child, very shy and introverted ", said Arturo Brachetti. And he continued, revealing an unknown aspect of his life. "I was shy with the others but I was very good and therefore my family saw in that timidity and goodness the characteristics because I became a priest. When I was 11, I entered the Salesian seminary. But the seminar brought out my desire to do theater. In fact, among the various activities parallel to seminarian life there was also the school of magic of Don Silvio. We met in Grassonay during the summer camp. And that meeting changed my life. He had a room full of magic tricks, books, magic manuals. I was fascinated by that fantasy world so that after four days I already had the keys to the room. We spent hours playing games and studying. My adolescence was spent immersed in the readings and games Don Silvio lent me. And so I did the first small performances and felt fulfilled and special. I could at the end redeem myself from others who were very good at football while I was a fool."


Sexual abuse scandal in the Salesian order:


"But as for cowards and the unfaithful, and the polluted, and murderers, fornicators, and those who practise magic or worship idols, and all liars–the portion allotted to them shall be in the Lake which burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death."

Revelation 21:8