Anonymous ID: adcaba April 22, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6282147   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Religions are what they are.

Spirituality is a little bit different, and far more personal.


Many get hooked up on the idea that good and evil are as simple as tribal identity. IE "my god is good and your god is false/evil." This often ignores or rationalizes the unreasonable or evil acts committed within the scripture of said god.

This view also focuses on trying to label concepts foreign to a god as evil or perverse, rather than actually developing a personal understanding of moral, ethical, and spiritual values.


For example. Bat-shit insane middle eastern inbreds did weird shit in the name of Ishtar. Therefor, all things connected to Ishtar must be a continuation of those practices and for the purposes of doing weird and fucked up shit.

Despite the fact that the vernal equinox has always been associated with the return of life - spring and the awakening; rebirth, a feminine thing.


You know - because the weminz does that cool thing called pregnancy and birth that keeps life around. Kind of important and symbolic - mystical, even, some would say. Hence why women held a revered place in many old societies. By comparison, men are kind of like the fodder a tribe throws out there to do the dangerous shit because it's not that big of a deal if one or two of us die. True - we aren't completely disposable - but the math of how our reproductive systems play out means we are the first to be sent to flirt with death, and arguably we evolved to survive flirting with death.


I got off on a bit of a tangent, there - but I think most fail to realize that their own religion comes from the tribe, and as such the framing through which they view other religions/customs also comes from the proverbial tribe.


This is why many don't understand the nuances of the larger family outside of the tribe, or fully grasp that we are all part of the family. The cabal certainly likes to make out with the idea that only they are the rightful heirs of creation. The part that is going to blow more than a few minds is that the whole "we are all sons and daughters of abraham" idea is correct in concept but gets the details more than a little confused, as Abraham was a thousand generations too late in the game to be a common ancestor - but notwithstanding…. Trying to dig up old graves and find who is whom in the tree of life is an exercise in vanity, honestly, as there is no real difference between us as far as religious and tribal blood go. This isn't to say there aren't people smarter than others - but that everyone is able to participate in our society with equal expectations and rights. None of the differences which do exist render one tribe a servant or master to another. We are all big kids, now, and have our pull-ups just in case we shit the bed.

Anonymous ID: adcaba April 23, 2019, 12:08 a.m. No.6282300   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It should be rather revealing as to the state of affairs that when an innocent man is arrested, society no longer trusts its courts to be able to discern facts and truth.


True, it sucks - but at the same time, only an idiot would think it a good idea to have Assange running around in public, right now. Dude has the biggest target on his head next to DJT and Ninja-Hime / The Masked Twin.

Honestly, it is no surprise there is a literal blackout on him. I personally believe he is already here in the U.S. - but in any event, I would make like a shadow and clone if I were him or those in charge of his security.


As the saying goes… What did Harambe know about Hillary Clinton?

Anonymous ID: adcaba April 23, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6282353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think many of the masons don't know what to make of Q.

It's understandable, given that Q is designed to confuse many people who are used to having classic intelligence networks. Genbu was even thrown off for a bit, and she's got a whole order surrounding her.


Q has stated that in many cases, one of the facts is what they believe to be the facts. From this, they derive their agendas and methods. Whether these lodges are "real" or not doesn't change the fact they exist and that their members have pull both on the course of affairs and the perceptions of the public.


This is, also, why Q presents things as questions. Questions evolve over time as information is discovered. So long as people do not let a question die, what Q is pointing out in those posts will evolve and gain context.

This is also why I told you all to learn to speak dragon.

For a group built around symbols, you've got outstandingly inflexible minds far too content with positions of being gatekeepers.