Anonymous ID: f14438 April 23, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6282371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2381 >>2391

>>6282282 true, that anon is a capsfaggot, kek

And they are also ip hopping unless we have 2 CapFaggots in here.




i can understand replying to a paticular story, like expressing fuck you SDNY, in regards to story about them targeting the Trump family.

However you are shitting up the bread with negative one liners, and lots of them.

If you are this angry( seems like you have issues with the state of New York)

then you need to focus on making some memes that expose the hypocrisy and corruption of the elected officials in your state like Cuomo.

Or do digs on those you wish to fuck off, and make memes and graphics to showcase it.

Thereby influencing others to vote the fuckers out.