Goin hard 24/7. Aren't you something.
The new strategy isn't working either. Did you see that Mueller kept Strzok in the loop after his firing? These people are stupid.
Baker is going to raise your meme posts to 10 per.
Muh concerned.
A new low.
Kek. This new crop of shills is pathetic.
Consult your tarot cards immediately.
Not my problem if you have doubt in your mind. Check your feelings at the door faggot.
You're supposed to post 10.
I said 10 faggot.
Could you be a bigger whore?
You're actually worse than this cunt.
You'll be the biggest Q personality EVAH!
Get down bitch.
He's not?
Wait. That's big talk from a spam bot.
Ok. I'll spam the board 24/7 with dank memes.
Your cunt.
You are special.
Sorry I don't associate with traitors.
I said 10 cunt.
1 is not 10 is it?
0? You're not even trying.
Einstein counts again.
Sick burn!
2 is not 10 is it?
Still not 10 cunt.