Anonymous ID: 6b72ce April 23, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.6283898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3902 >>3906


2 US soldiers were detained…AND FUCKING DISARMED by Mexican soldiers on OUR SIDE of the boarder.

This just happened.

The US military has been reduced to a pack of homos. They aren’t even armed.


This is a sick joke. Q and his rah rah happy slappy military talk and we got slobbering retard beaners disarming US soldiers on US soil.


Fuck all this.

Anonymous ID: 6b72ce April 23, 2019, 7 a.m. No.6283926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3931 >>3935 >>3937


US soldiers are fucking pussy cowards.


Our POTUS putting them out in patrol of our boarder armed with rifles that are capped with a goddamn blank adapter is a FUCKING RETARD!


Do you happy assholes get it yet? This shit ain’t habbening like Q has led you to believe.

It’s horseshit. All of it.

Anonymous ID: 6b72ce April 23, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.6284097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know what you’d do.

Cower and run…on your own turf.


Read the fucking article. It’s not like the Mexican government flew up with their hats in their hand and apologized profusely and publically to our clueless leader.

They could give two shits.


This is no where near the first time the Mexican military has made major incursions into US territory.


You wanna dig? Dig on that, faggot.



Not even mentioned.

We aren’t even lawfully/constitutionally supposed to have a standing military in the US, but what the fuck? If we have one, shouldn’t we at least expect them to blast the fuck out of anything that sets a toe one inch over the boarder?


They can, however, meddle and murder citizens across the planet in countries Congress has not declared war against.

Every vet you see today here outside of WWII vets are straight up war criminals by our own laws.


But hey. What the fuck. Let’s go arrest a foreign national for revealing US helicopter pilots murdering a camera crew,


This is so fucked and ass backwards…but you queerbaits still keep on with you boot licking and o7 gayness. You worship a totalitarian military force that doesn’t even protect you.