Anonymous ID: bd0b79 April 23, 2019, 6 a.m. No.6283614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3713



Read the Bible. It foretold all this stuff and far worse things that demons would be promoting as they know their end approches. The UN, the lying anti-God media, globalism, Hollywood, widespread Satan worship, greed, terror, fake religion, etc… is not a new World Order, its the many faces of Satan as he desperately plays his last card. The Bible also foretells that this ends VERY badly for all of THEM. Humans have been brought to this point by demons more than once in the long ago past. Total destruction by God's hands was their fate then, and it will be again. Most people don't understand these things and they can't see it because they are spiritually blind and choose to remain so.


Its not Trump's goal to stop any of these things, nor should it be. God is allowing them to happen to teach people a lesson. And when He decides that their time is up their destruction will be sudden and complete. Be patient and keep watching. Q has hinted many times, this is war that goes beyond what our eyes can see. POTUS is a vessel in God's war against evil. And no matter how bad it looks or how long it seems to take God always wins.


Even people who don't believe in God can sense that something big is coming. The demons know it, and all the cabal carnival barkers out there who are attacking POTUS and mocking God know it too.

Anonymous ID: bd0b79 April 23, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.6283757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3767


Maybe, but they just announced yesterday that they intend to keep attacking and obstructing all the way to 2020. If we are counting on fairness from the media, or a secure election system in 2020, or that the majority of insane leftists out there will see the light, we would be making a very big mistake. We're dealing with folks who will do anything at all to totally regain power. And a lot of people are still listening to them and believe what they say. So many stories on social media about MAGA patriots getting violently attacked by these leftists…MSM ignores, cops ignore…patriots just walk home and forget it. Not good. This is where we are. This is our future. Even many of us aren't really paying attention to what's really going on out there.


D's are hoping to drown out Huber, and Horrowitz, and Barr with drama. They will get a LOT of help with this from the media. We're not going to get much further than where we are right now if we keep playing footsie with these losers. Its gonna take a knockout blow to bring them down. Nothing that Huber or Horrowitz say or do will register until the first big fish is indicted and gets brought down. For now its all talk and smoke and mirrors.


Most of them don't seem to take any of it TOO seriously. They know what POTUS can do, but they don't believe he will pull that trigger because it would radically change everything and bring the government to a standstill…which is where they pretty much are right now anyway. That's why they can travel to Europe and sip chardonnay on yachts owned by their rich friends and laugh while they talk about new ways to set the world on fire.