kim foxx - "racially charged" threats
just cuz ya can't say nigger
don't mean there aren't any.
the conflation has reached the point that
she is innocent of all crime
if she is a victim of wrongthink
kim foxx - "racially charged" threats
just cuz ya can't say nigger
don't mean there aren't any.
the conflation has reached the point that
she is innocent of all crime
if she is a victim of wrongthink
you newfags are going to realize
that anons don't give two rusty fucks
about your favorite flavor of religion
no matter which flavor
Good Morning, wimminz memez slide!
and Jesus never.
'member that time an entire state said thank you to the freakin' FBI for shooting your deranged Mormon icon and running the rest of Vanilla Isis out of the bird house and into the graybar?
how many anons recognize the peace & love and rainbow brite slides? and unicorns, don't forget the pretty unicorns
adapt and learn, faggots.
a prayer is a personal thing, not a shitpost. filtering all you blaspheming faggots.
your shillspeak is faggot
i have rarely enjoyed the Miltonian contest of ideas as often as i do here.
and i filter. accepting free speech does not mean that i have to listen to every single word of it.
filtered twice: Nasim AND namefag
watch Strozk's testimony before Congress.
now add Comey, McCabe, Page, Baker, Priestap - all the top brass - and tell me that they're all better now.