Gooooood morning.
Is there a theory on POTUS's retweetstorm last night and the tweet storm this morning? Other than the obvious, that the tables have turned and he's hitting back and informing the public of truths.
Was thinking the same. Thanks for putting it into words. Seems this morning's shill theme is to deflate expectations and reduce optimism and persuade autists that "their job is over, nothing further of importance will happen here."
Nothing could be further from the truth.
We are winning bigly, and we know it.
We are the news.
Digging for news and information, studying and analyzing it, and spreading what we learn, continues to be essential in this information war.
Stand down just as victory is near? Pfffft. Not on your life, shills.
Those seeds have germinated and are sprouting all over the place, and will only keep growing larger and more robust.
If you want to talk to CM I believe the place to report/discuss issues is /sudo or tweet him