Anonymous ID: 285aa3 April 23, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.6284114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4125 >>4234 >>4671

Way back in Feb, 2018, Q post 789, 2/18/18, an anon posted a logo for Global Ambassadors’ Liddle Kidz Foundation. Of course we tied that in, immediately, with Shifty Liddle. But note on their logo who sponsors them. Goog, Microsoft, Gates and Epic.

I only mention this because at WalMart the other day, I noticed they sell a bunch of Epic products and it has – you know – that NXIVM pedo symbol, right on their products’ boxes.

That symbol is also shown on Q post 1635, 6/28/18.

Epic products are sold in most groceries and places like Target. You buy their crap, you are supporting pedos. Right? Type in goog, Epic granola bars and see this logo or click on this:;_ylt=A2KLfSc7HL9cqucAXm1XNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10BGdwcmlkA3VRVldWZ3V0U3FxTm1tek1FVTRuREEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMxBHBxc3RyA2VwaWMgBHBxc3RybAM1BHFzdHJsAzE3BHF1ZXJ5A2VwaWMlMjBncmFub2xhJTIwYmFycwR0X3N0bXADMTU1NjAyODQ5NgR1c2VfY2FzZQM-?p=epic+granola+bars&fr2=sa-gp-search&fr=yfp-t&fp=1

Anonymous ID: 285aa3 April 23, 2019, 7:35 a.m. No.6284158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Re: RBG. We have had every reason to believe – based on things Q has said in posts – that she was ill and headed out the door. Here are some examples:

#3195 just last 3/26/19 said this: “What is [RBG's] current state-of-health?”

#1607, 6/27/18 said this: “RBG next.”


But Q does post disinfo. And she is old and sick. We’re on a timeline, but recall that we are also subject to a countdown, similar to a space shot. Those experience delays.

And just for the record, I DO trust Sessions.

Anonymous ID: 285aa3 April 23, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.6284230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4247 >>4294


>We are all being played, and I'm perfectly okay with it. Whoever Team Q is has proven to this anon that they–collectively–are way smarter than me and have (apparently) been plotting this soft coup for decades.


This is great. Agree totally and am fine with my role in this.

We have, though, learned more than we ever would have under any other president. And I consider my involvement here as real training because it has yugely impacted my life in many other respects.

Anyone else learning patience???

And this is fam, too. People you're basically stuck with. Just glad the Patriots are as smart as they are.