Anonymous ID: 605831 April 23, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.6285940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5970 >>6136 >>6153 >>6299

The server was a pay for play.


Donations to the foundation were the price to pay for the password.


They were all aware of it.


They will say it was an “op” if they are ever found out; an op designed to see which foreign countries would “hack” into the server.


But they all knew it was a golden goose.


This is why the FBI was unable to prosecute once it was discovered. They’re claiming it was a National Security operation.


All it will take is one or two foreign entities to spill the beans. Why else are they all traveling the world meeting with foreign leaders. Obama, Clinton, Kerry, etc.


How do you expose this op if it’s classified?


How do you get anyone to admit they played the game?


How many operatives were killed when a foreign country accessed the server and learned who the spies were?


Congressional Dems are being blackmailed into continuing the attack on Trump so he doesn’t investigate the cabal.


Too late.