Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.6285730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5741




ALL the hells and evil you have PERPETUATED in the NAME of OUR America, YOU ALL who stood strong with [them]…….









Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6286005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6029 >>6040


This is a FACT.




I spent my whole life, trying to figure it out, and what you just typed out is THE conclusion. Pure & Simple.






Love You Anon.


Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6286083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6113


I take your wrath and rage as a compliment. It's GREAT to be hated by your ilk, although there is still time to repent.


Know why?? Because it means Miss Trump and people who care about her and LOVE her and her family, would most likely LOVE me for boosting her up and praying for her and defending her as /WE/



Take CONTROL of The Narrative

AWAKEN the Masses


It's all I know. So to be HATED by you, and your energy only feeds me and HER (Since you targeted her) and makes us stronger, since we are of THE LIGHT, and We don't feel hate towards others or wish ill on them, even those who wish us dead, so therefore, you poor confused wannabe [balck magik] [magician], your words and curses return to YOU (KEK!! That is NONE of my business, you got your TWO cheeks) and curse you. KEK!!





Father, I pray for this misguided and hate filled soul. I don't know ALL of YOUR ways, but certainly, this one is NOT what you had in mind when you dreamed them up, and I ask that you would bind and remove the demons that have him on lock. Or, if he remains Unrepentant, []"


It's time


Repent While there is STILL TIME Anon. You're fixing to get Hell Boxed. God Bless US One and ALL.










GEOTUS sure has the most INCREDIBLE Woman doesn't he Folks??

Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6286178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6236


You mean Marksman??


Yeah, the rich boy who got a silver spoon handed to him in an INCREDIBLE



And I look forward to learning a LOT from him. Is he PERFECT?? Nah. But he's a PRINCE. And so is ERIC.


And ANYONE who is an EMEMY of ANY of THE TRUMPS of ANY of GEOTUS' People are SWORN ←–QCLue



Don Jr., a COUNTRY BOY who was born in Manhattan. A Family man who IS going to help all of us poor boys who never had fathers or chances learn how to "Man Up" a bit. He's already doing it (#EyesOnMarksman) but HIS People don't Quite know about it yet, fakenews and this war and all.




God Bless You Donald Trump Jr., You are every bit the nerves of steel Patriot and man your dad is, as far as I can see. Something tells me it might not come as naturally to you and me and most (KEK!! Who can compare to GEOTUS?? Let's #GetReal) BUT…


You too all of your Unique challenges and made something really remarkable out of YOURSELF. Watching you grow and become emboldened to be YOU (#RememberMontana #FuckTester) has been ENCOURAGING to ME, and THAT is how we WIN.



Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6286223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6231


Not the Q. That was QArtAnon. Although I WAS the first person to make a request of him, many actually, in his thread.


But no, I changed the background. Somehow. I love it. I'm the only one to use it as far as I know.


It's Time

Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6286270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6308 >>6323


Yup. Just words anon. Keyboard warrior is right. Like 2Pac said,


"I've learned how to think ahead, so now I fight with my pen."


You seem to have issues with Don Jr.??

Why don't you tell us about them??


I mean, I'm just standing up for a Good man and my President's son. Why would THAT bother you??



Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6286323   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I mean, I'm just standing up for a Good man and my President's son. Why would THAT bother you??


Oh yeah, that's RIGHT, you can't let any of us nobody Anons RISE UP and protect and shelter those who LOVE US. That's right.


So now, it's time to INTIMIDATE. It's time to THREATEN. It's time to HURT me.


Won't work. I did the same thing to people's faces on a daily. You think I'm mouthy here?? I haven't even been given the (G)reen Light yet. this is warm ups.


Again, what is wrong with Rising UP for each other?? I know. You can't stop the Trumps, but you can STILL get at us out here in this streets. Less by the day (God Bless /OUR/ Honest LEO, -→I,C,E,←-, US MARSHALLS, and other Private Loyal Trump Soldiers) BUT….


[you] still can't stop can you??

Same shit with you bad actors.

You won't enjoy God and His Blessings, And you won't let US either.


No more.






Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.6286373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6386


And they couldn't be in BETTER (BEST!!) Hands.


May God give you MOAR strength and wisdom, and may the Sharpest of Swords find their way into your hands.


Sick of this shit.

These People are SICK

These People are STUPID

These bastards are NOT of GOD


Times Up

Anonymous ID: c62799 April 23, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6286456   🗄️.is 🔗kun




And his friends, and his People. He loves us like "Kin".


Again, The Trumps ARE Down Home Country folks at Heart. Of COURSE. #SaltOfTheEarth #LightOfTheWorld


And if anyone don't know HOW Country folks, men and women alike, take care of business, they're about to learn.


Add to that, POTUS is the Greatest Military Leader, World Leader, and President ever, and ANYONE who wants to PERVERT AMERICAN JUSTICE and let bad actors skate, well, they better start Praying that THE ONE returns, because THAT is the ONLY Hope [they] have left.




Here Comes THE PAIN