Anonymous ID: 3f49a2 April 23, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.6286599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7186

End LB repost


I've been thinking about the Constitutional rights of Potus Geotus having been violated by the Deep State Cabal and which amendment could Potus sue the gov't and individuals for.


Recently, a Federal Circuit Court decisioned a 4th amendment case for unreasonable search and seizeure. The 4th amendment was violated for marking parked cars on a public property by the police to write tickets. This is a unreasonable search and seizeure.

Potus had his 4th amendment rights violated via the bogus FISA wire taps in his personal space. The FISA abuse was looking for a future crime to be committed. Unreasonable search and seizeure. I believe Rudy Giuliani and other Potus attorneys will file lawsuits against the government and individuals for violating Potus 4th amendment rights. Additionally, Congressman Cummings subpoenaed Potus's Banks and IRS for complete financial disclosure, as well as his children's and associates records. This violates the 4th amendment as well. Potus Geotus is baiting these idiot's and it will backfire greatly. This is how one catches the spoiled fish with constitutional violated rights.

Maybe Georgetown law school should offer special US Constitutional law classes to the members of Congress!


The courts are now making decisions based on the constitution….finally! And the members of Congress are ignorant to the law.


Using Chalk on Tires for Parking Enforcement Violates Constitution, Federal Court Rules - Tenth Floor Living