Anonymous ID: 660f6b April 23, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.6286555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Steve Herman

‏Verified account @W7VOA


Steve Herman Retweeted SPAENG


Saudi Arabia confirms beheading 37 citizens, most of them minority Shiites, in a mass execution for alleged terrorism-related crimes. One body and its severed head was tied to a pole as a public warning.



‏Verified account @Spa_Eng


Capital Punishment carried out on a number of culprits, Interior Ministry announces.


Anonymous ID: 660f6b April 23, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.6286589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexico says it deported 15,000 migrants in April but thousands are still headed north

by Anna Giaritelli

| April 23, 2019 02:30 PM


The Mexican government says it has deported 15,000 migrants who illegally entered Mexico from Guatemala and had been traveling as part of caravans in hopes of reaching the United States' southern border.


Mexico's National Institute of Migration office said more than 15,000 people who were found to be illegally present in Mexico have been returned to their countries of origin, but thousands more people continue to traverse the country intent on reaching the U.S.


"Mainly from Central America, but also from other countries, they have been little more than 15,000 from the first of April to date — the irregular situation, irregular income, irregular stay and immigration regulations — should not be in the country," Alejandro Encinas, Interior Ministry undersecretary for human rights, told a local outlet Monday evening.


Earlier this month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 92,000 unauthorized immigrants were arrested for illegally crossing the southern border in March, making it the highest month in 11 years.


That number has grown from 50,000 last fall. President Trump has repeatedly demanded the administration of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador do more to curtail the tens of thousands of people passing through his country each month.


Mexican Interior Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero said late last month that the "mother of all caravans" was preparing to enter Mexico from Honduras.


El Financiero reported more than 5,000 people, including from Africa and the Caribbean, have been documented as part of the caravans in southern Mexico.


Last Friday, federal authorities overtook some caravans and raided the groups to see if they had legal documents permitting them to pass through the country. Migrants passing through Mexico must obtain a legal document from the National Institute of Migration that certifies they have permission to be in the country for a certain number of days or risk being deported.


One of the caravan groups that is still intact includes 300 Cubans. The group passed on Monday through Mapastepec, a town of 5,000 residents that is about 50 miles north of the Mexico-Guatemala border.


On Monday, federal authorities broke up more caravans moving north through Chiapas. Immigration authorities had 10 buses and a dozen trucks waiting at a checkpoint just south of Pijijiapan so that everyone could be deported. A local report said some threw rocks at the federal law enforcement officers.


Federal authorities forced them off rented buses over the weekend.


Another 3,200 migrants remain in three shelters in Mexico's Chiapas state, which sits on the international border, a Venezuelan outlet reported.

Anonymous ID: 660f6b April 23, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.6286617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6619 >>6642 >>6984



‏ @45_Schedule

9m9 minutes ago


"The Russia collusion hoax originated with @HillaryClinton, and the burden should be on her campaign and the DNC."

New from @JordanSchachtel.


Hillary Clinton spawned the Russia hoax. Christopher Steele is merely its front man

Jordan Schachtel · April 23, 2019


Following the complete exoneration of President Trump on the hoax allegations of collusion with Russia, the legacy media is attempting to pick up the pieces and investigate what went wrong.


The New York Times, which inserted — without evidence — mountains of anonymously sourced false information into the American mainstream consciousness, has taken a renewed focus on the Steele dossier, which was reportedly an integral piece of source material for the Obama administration’s surveillance operation against the Trump campaign.


“Now the dossier — financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, and compiled by the former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele — is likely to face new, possibly harsh scrutiny from multiple inquiries,” The Times reports.


Christopher Steele and his Steele dossier were just one element of a campaign that was not only being financed, but appeared to be entirely manufactured and controlled by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. The Russia collusion hoax originated with Hillary Clinton, and the burden should be on her campaign and the DNC. It butchers the chain of responsibility to hold Christopher Steele, the contracted “researcher,” ultimately accountable for defending everything that spawned from the Clinton-DNC operation, which was later leveraged by the Obama administration.


The fraudulent narrative that Donald Trump was a Russian agent began to make its way into the media — and throughout the Obama Intelligence Community — during the late stages of the 2016 presidential election, likely as a means to help candidate Hillary Clinton secure her electoral victory by delegitimizing her opponent through the use of a black propaganda operation.


During the campaign, Team Clinton hired Fusion GPS, which then worked with Steele to produce and disseminate the dossier, according to the media narrative.


But we must also recall that in parallel with the Fusion GPS campaign, political operatives with deep ties to the Clinton family emerged with a reported second dossier — which according to reports, was practically identical to the Steele dossier — and began to disseminate to the media its false information about Donald Trump’s supposed ties to the Russians.

Anonymous ID: 660f6b April 23, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.6286619   🗄️.is 🔗kun



But the “second dossier” was too close to Hillary Clinton, and media outlets, likely recognizing that they would be identified as even greater shills for Clinton, recognized dossier number two as a political document and largely refused to run a story detailing its allegations, but for an embarrassingly hackish story in The Guardian.


Although he had potential legal baggage as a foreigner and former British spy working on a U.S. political campaign, Steele’s credentials still provided the necessary authority to make his dossier appear as legitimate intelligence. Still, many saw the dossier for what it was — junk opposition “research” without any confirmed sources. Not even the likes of The New York Times and Washington Post would publish a dossier crafted by Christopher Steele, let alone Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer, the Clinton family political hatchet men. But that’s what BuzzFeed is for. BuzzFeed publishing the Steele dossier — to this day, not a single major allegation in the dossier has been confirmed — gave a green light to the rest of the media to “report” on its absurd claims. The bogus dossier also provided the justification for the Obama administration (and later, rogue FBI directors in the Trump administration) to leverage the dossier to conduct surveillance on Trump-connected individuals.


Because Steele was a “former spy,” that seemed to be enough for the likes of the late Sen. John McCain, fired FBI Director James Comey, former CIA chief John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and many other top lawmakers and government officials to stand by Steele’s Clinton-backed work for years. But now that the Mueller investigation has ended, those aforementioned former government officials are nowhere to be found when it comes to taking responsibility for advancing the Steele dossier.


If Congress and the media are going to scrutinize what went wrong, their focus should begin with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and particularly Hillary Clinton herself. Was it merely a coincidence that the second dossier mirrored the first, or was Steele just a front man for the Russia hoax? To cast Christopher Steele as the man ultimately responsible for Spygate is to protect the individuals responsible for spawning the Russia hoax.

Anonymous ID: 660f6b April 23, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6287166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7184

POTUS_Schedule Retweeted

Benjamin Netanyahu

‏Verified account @netanyahu

25m25 minutes ago


Therefore, after the Passover holiday, I intend to bring to the government a resolution calling for a new community on the Golan Heights named after President Donald J. Trump


Benjamin Netanyahu

‏Verified account @netanyahu


Therefore, after the Passover holiday, I intend to bring to the government a resolution calling for a new community on the Golan Heights named after President Donald J. Trump

Anonymous ID: 660f6b April 23, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6287184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7192 >>7219 >>7221



Let me try that again!


POTUS_Schedule Retweeted

Benjamin Netanyahu

‏Verified account @netanyahu

26m26 minutes ago


I'm here on the beautiful Golan Heights. All Israelis were deeply moved when President Trump made his historic decision to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights.


Benjamin Netanyahu


‏Verified account @netanyahu


Therefore, after the Passover holiday, I intend to bring to the government a resolution calling for a new community on the Golan Heights named after President Donald J. Trump