Anonymous ID: 728c5c April 23, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6286564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6771


Here’s a good way to tell if a geopolitical “crisis” such as the one between Trump and Kim is genuine, or just political wind with no real substance. Go to: gonavy. jp/CVLocation.html. This reveals the locations of US aircraft carriers. Supercarriers (CVNs) are the linchpin of Washington’s military power, which is the foundation of its unequaled geopolitical and economic influence. As Mao Zedong said, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” The word awesome does not begin to describe a supercarrier. No one else has anything in this league. Each of these Nimitz-class flattops is 4.5 acres of Armageddon that can reach out to almost anywhere and destroy anything. …..The carriers are Washington’s biggest, most impressive nightstick. At the end of WWII, when the idea was hatched to turn the US armed forces into the socialist UN’s global cop, Washington had 105 carriers.9 Today the bankrupt federal government has only 11. This is plenty to protect America, but ridiculous for policing the world. Today’s 100,000-ton giants are monstrously expensive to deploy. This means they are a telltale, the spot where the geopolitical rubber meets the road. If a president sends a carrier to a crisis area, this indicates the crisis is truly a serious big deal; two carriers, very serious; three, possibly catastrophic.from Nov 2017 Early Warning Report