Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.6287250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7301 >>7338 >>7495 >>7550 >>7716 >>7752 >>7903 >>7906 >>7942

Intelligence Officer; All but 8 of the emails on Hillary’s private server in the hands of Chinese intelligence.


I have to say, if these allegations are true the corruption runs much deeper than I ever imagined.


Skip to 18:36 for the email server discussion.


But, he has a great review prior to that of the corruption that has to exist for the collusion allegation to ever have had legs.

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.6287256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7267 >>7275 >>7309 >>7360

Rep. John Ratcliffe Confirms How Comey, Yates, McCabe and Rosenstein Were Caught Lying on FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump


Trey Guowdy and Ratcliffe were the only Republicans to see the the evidence behind the FISA warrants to spy on Trump campaign operatives. Ratcliffe told former Rep. Jason Chaffetz that Comey, Sally Yates, McCabe and Rod Rosenstein all posted in big bold letters “verified application” all in capitals. So Comey and Yates and everyone who signed the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign all verified what was in the warrant… And they all knew it was created by a Trump hater and paid for by Hillary Clinton. This is a big development!

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.6287261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7268 >>7270 >>7307 >>7316 >>7338 >>7495 >>7642 >>7752 >>7903 >>7942

U.S. Government Spent Over $500m on Fake Al-Qaeda Propaganda Videos that Tracked Location of Viewers


My guess is that even I would be shocked if we knew the extent of America’s ongoing PSYOP with regard to media.


Via: Independent:


A former contractor for a UK-based public relations firm says that the Pentagon paid more than half a billion dollars for the production and dissemination of fake Al-Qaeda videos that portrayed the insurgent group in a negative light.


The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reported that the PR firm, Bell Pottinger, worked alongside top US military officials at Camp Victory in Baghdad at the height of the Iraq War. The agency was tasked with crafting TV segments in the style of unbiased Arabic news reports, videos of Al-Qaeda bombings that appeared to be filmed by insurgents, and anti-insurgent commercials – and those who watched the videos could be tracked by US forces.

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6287265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381

Review of Boy Scouts ‘Perversion Files’ Reveals 12,000 Victims, Almost 8,000 Abusers


A psychiatry professor hired by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to review files on child sexual abuse within its ranks has found files on 7,819 perpetrators and 12,254 victims, with perhaps still more to come, according to a New York law firm.


Janet Warren, professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences at the University of Virginia, spent about five years reviewing the files and revealed the numbers in a Jan. 30 expert testimony. The law firm, Jeff Anderson and Associates, represented victims of child sexual abuse at the trial and revealed details from Warren’s testimony during an April 23 press conference.


Nearly 5,000 of the “Ineligible Volunteer Files” as the BSA called them, have been entered into court records over the past decades and were collected by the Los Angeles Times, culminating in a 2012 exposé that made 1,900 of the files public and revealed that the BSA appeared to have failed to report hundreds of cases to the police and even worked to conceal some of them.


The BSA said in an emailed statement that it went back decades in its records to report to law enforcement any case where it was unclear whether it was reported or not. The organization maintains a policy that every case has to be reported to law enforcement.


“We care deeply about all victims of child abuse and sincerely apologize to anyone who was harmed during their time in Scouting,” the statement reads. “We believe victims, we support them, and we have paid for unlimited counseling by a provider of their choice. Nothing is more important than the safety and protection of children in Scouting and we are outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our programs to abuse innocent children.”


The organization also denied that it “ever knowingly allowed a perpetrator to work with youth.”


Though BSA started keeping the records as far back as 1919, Warren was only tasked to audit those between 1944-2016, Anderson said.


“This is far from a full disclosure of what the Boy Scouts actually knew,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:01 p.m. No.6287293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7584

Former GE Engineer and Chinese Businessman Charged with Economic Espionage and Theft of GE’s Trade Secrets

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.6287300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7336 >>7338 >>7495 >>7752 >>7903 >>7942

Death toll from Sri Lanka attacks rises to 321


The death toll from a series of terrorist attacks that took place in Sri Lanka on April 21 has risen to 321, the country’s State Minister of Defense and Mass Media Ruwan Wijewardene said, addressing the parliament.


According to the minister, as many as 521 people were wounded in Sunday’s explosions. He added that according to preliminary investigation findings, extremists had carried out the attacks by way of revenge for the March 15 shootings at two New Zealand mosques.


Sri Lanka’s former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, in turn, blamed the April 21 attacks on the country’s government. "Sri Lanka became an easy target for terrorists because the government was busy persecuting intelligence officers," he said. "The government has always made it clear that national security is not a priority for intelligence agencies," Rajapaksa added.


Meanwhile, Wijewardene emphasized that the country’s Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, as well as himself, had not received invitations to participate in the National Security Council’s meetings since October 2018.


On April 21, a series of terrorist attacks, unprecedented in the country’s history, took place in Sri Lanka. A total of eight explosions occurred in high-end hotels and churches in the cities of Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa during Easter services. The country’s authorities confirmed that the explosions had been carried out by suicide bombers who were Sri Lankan nationals. As many as 40 suspects have been arrested in relation to the attacks.


On March 15, shooters opened fire in two mosques in New Zealand’s city of Christchurch, killing 50 and leaving another 50 wounded.

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.6287320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7334 >>7340 >>7410

Did Israel Kill Both Kennedy Brothers?


Just after midnight of June 6, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in a backroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He had just been celebrating his victory at the California primaries, which made him the most likely Democratic nominee for the presidential election. His popularity was so great that Richard Nixon, on the Republican side, stood little chance. At the age of 43, Robert would have become the youngest American president ever, after being the youngest Attorney General in his brother’s government. His death opened the way for Nixon, who could finally become president eight years after having been defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960.


John had been assassinated four and a half years before Robert. Had he survived, he would certainly have been president until 1968. Instead, his vice-president Lyndon Johnson took over the White House in 1963, and became so unpopular that he retired in 1968. Interestingly, Johnson became president the very day of John’s death, and ended his term a few months after Robert’s death. He was in power at the time of both investigations.


And both investigations are widely regarded as cover-ups. In both cases, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. We are going to sum them up here. But we will do more: we will show that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And we will solve them beyond a reasonable doubt.


As Lance deHaven-Smith has remarked in Conspiracy Theory in America:


“It is seldom considered that the Kennedy assassinations might have been serial murders. In fact, in speaking about the murders, Americans rarely use the plural, ‘Kennedy assassinations’. […] Clearly, this quirk in the Kennedy assassination(s) lexicon reflects an unconscious effort by journalists, politicians, and millions of ordinary Americans to avoid thinking about the two assassinations together, despite the fact that the victims are connected in countless ways.”[1]


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6287340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354 >>7355 >>7410


After September 11, 2001, the tragedy of Robert’s assassination was installed into the Neocon mythology of the Clash of Civilizations and the War on Terror the story. Sirhan became a precursor of Islamic terrorism on the American soil. In a book entitled The Forgotten Terrorist, Mel Ayton, who specializes in debunking conspiracy theories, claims to present “a wealth of evidence about [Sirhan’s] fanatical Palestinian nationalism,” and to demonstrate that “Sirhan was the lone assassin whose politically motivated act was a forerunner of present-day terrorism” (as written on the back cover).


In 2008, on the 40th anniversary of Robert’s death, Sasha Issenberg of the Boston Globe recalled that the death of Robert Kennedy was “a first taste of Mideast terror.”He quotes Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz (best known as Jonathan Pollard’s lawyer), as saying:


“I thought of it as an act of violence motivated by hatred of Israel and of anybody who supported Israel. […] It was in some ways the beginning of Islamic terrorism in America. It was the first shot. A lot of us didn’t recognize it at the time.”[11]


The fact that Sirhan was from a Christian family was lost on Dershowitz. The Jewish Forward took care to mention it on the same occasion, only to add that Islamic fanaticism ran in his veins anyway:


“But what he shared with his Muslim cousins — the perpetrators of September 11 — was a visceral, irrational hatred of Israel. It drove him to murder a man whom some still believe might have been the greatest hope of an earlier generation.”


“Robert Kennedy was the first American victim of modern Arab terrorism,” the Forward journalist hammered; “Sirhan hated Kennedy because he had supported Israel.”[12]


This leitmotiv of the public discourse begs the question: Was Bobby really a supporter of Israel? But before we answer that question, there is on more pressing one: Did Sirhan really kill Bobby?


Part 2

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.6287355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7364 >>7382 >>7410



John Newman writes in Oswald and the CIA:


“In my view, whoever Oswald’s direct handler or handlers were, we must now seriously consider the possibility that Angleton was probably their general manager. No one else in the Agency had the access, the authority, and the diabolically ingenious mind to manage this sophisticated plot.”[23]


But there is plenty of evidence that Angleton, who was also the head of the CIA “Israel Office,” was a Mossad mole. According to his biographer Tom Mangold, “Angleton’s closest professional friends overseas […] came from the Mossad and […] he was held in immense esteem by his Israeli colleagues and by the state of Israel, which was to award him profound honors after his death.”[24]No less that two monuments were dedicated to him at memorial services in Israel during ceremonies attended by chiefs of Israeli Intelligence and even a future Prime Minister.[25]


Another aspect must be taken into account: if the trail of the CIA is such a well-trodden path among Kennedy researchers, it is because it has been cut and marked by the mainstream media themselves, as well as by Hollywood. And that began even before the assassination, on October 3, 1963, with an article by the New York Times’ chief Washington correspondent Arthur Krock. The article denounced the CIA’s “unrestrained thirst for power” and quotidian unnamed “very high official” who claimed that the White House could not control the CIA, and that:


“If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government, it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon. The agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone.”[26]


In such a way, The New York Times was planting a sign, a month and a half before the Dallas killing, pointing to the CIA as the most likely instigator of the upcoming coup. The sign said: “The President is going to fall victim of a coup, and it will come from the CIA.”


Part 3

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.6287382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398 >>7410



Kennedy’s determination to stop Israel’s Dimona project was only part of the “Kennedy problem”. During his first months in the White House, Kennedy committed himself by letters to Nasser and other Arab heads of State to support UN Resolution 194 for the right of return of Palestinian refugees. Ben-Gurion reacted with a letter to the Israeli ambassador in Washington, intended to be circulated among Jewish American leaders, in which he stated:


“Israel will regard this plan as a more serious danger to her existence than all the threats of the Arab dictators and Kings, than all the Arab armies, than all of Nasser’s missiles and his Soviet MIGs. […] Israel will fight against this implementation down to the last man.’”[43]


Kennedy behaved warmly toward Nasser, Israel’s worst enemy. Historian Philip Muehlenbeck writes:


“While the Eisenhower administration had sought to isolate Nasser and reduce his influence through building up Saudi Arabia’s King Saud as a conservative rival to the Egyptian president, the Kennedy administration pursued the exact opposite strategy.”[44]


After Kennedy’s death, American foreign policy was reversed again, without the American public being aware of it. Johnson cut the economic aid to Egypt, and increased the military aid to Israel, which reached 92 million dollars in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined.


Part 4

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6287398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7410



The attack would have been blamed on Egypt if it had succeeded, that is, if the ship had sunk and its crew had all died. The operation would then have given Johnson a pretext for interveening on the side of Israel against Egypt.


But it failed. The USS Liberty affair was suppressed by a commission of inquiry headed by Admiral John Sidney McCain II, Commander-in-Chief of US Naval Forces in Europe (and Father of Arizona Senator John McCain III). Johnson accepted Israel’s spurious “targeting error” explanation. In January 1968 he invited the Israeli Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol, to Washington, and warmly welcomed him to his Texas ranch. What’s more, Johnson rewarded Israel by lifting the embargo on offensive military equipment: US-made tanks and aircraft immediately flowed to Tel Aviv.


This failed false flag attack is evidence of the secret complicity of Johnson and Israel, implying high treason on the part of Johnson.



Let’s now conclude our overview of the evidence: beside the fact that John and Robert were brothers, their assassinations have at least two things in common: Lyndon Johnson and Israel.


First, their deaths are precisely framed by Johnson’s presidency, which was also the context for other political assassinations, such as Martin-Luther King’s. Johnson was in control of the State during the two investigations on John and Robert’s murders.


Secondly, in both cases, we find the fingerprints of Israel’s deep state. In the case of Robert, it is the choice of the manipulated patsy, which was obviously meant to disguise Robert’s assassination as an act of hatred against Israel. In the case of John, it it is the identity of the man asked to kill the patsy, a Jewish gangster linked to the Irgun.


Johnson and Israel, the two common elements in the Kennedy assassinations, are themselves closely linked, since Johnson can be considered as a high-level sayan, a man secretly devoted to Israel, or owned by Israel, to the point of committing high treason against the nation he had been elected to lead and protect.


The causal link between the two assassinations then becomes clear: even if Robert had been pro-Israel, which he was not, Israel and Johnson would still have had a compelling reason to eliminate him before he got to the White House, where he could—and would—reopen the investigation on his brother’s death.


Part 5


Remainder of footnotes in link.



Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.6287432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7488 >>7495 >>7501 >>7752 >>7875 >>7903 >>7942

1,600 Migrants Dumped In New Mexico; City Forced To Spend $75K For "Humanitarian Assistance"


Las Cruces, New Mexico officials reported on Monday that Border Patrol agents released almost 1,600 migrants into the town of just over 100,000 residents over a 10-day period, forcing the city to spend $75,000 on humanitarian assistance.


On April 12, CBP began releasing the migrants apprehended in the El Paso Sector, according to KVIA ABC7, which come as the agency reaches a breaking point trying to handle thousands of Central American migrant families crossing the border illegally in West Texas and the New Mexico boot heel, reports Breitbart's Bob Price.


The City of Las Cruces responded by setting up a network of temporary shelters to house the “asylum seekers” while they attempt to arrange travel to other parts of the U.S., the Las Cruces Sun News reported. Nearly 1,200 were dropped off by Border Patrol agents during the first week alone.


Mayor Ken Miyagishima told the local newspaper that most of the migrants move out quickly. He said, “75 percent are gone.” He explained the City is providing resources to about 250 people at any given time. -Breitbart


Mayor Miyagishima made arrangements with Santa Fe and Albuquerque to take migrants on a rotating basis, according to the report. "It looks like they’ll be taking some. We just need to figure out transportation," he said, adding "We could easily handle 200, but not 200 a day."

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.6287471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7483 >>7621 >>7629

Los Angeles to Change Name of Rodeo Road to ‘Obama Boulevard’ Next Weekend


Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is changing the name of Rodeo Road to “Obama Boulevard” in a ceremony next weekend.


Garcetti served as a California co-chairman for Obama’s 2008 campaign and was endorsed by the former president during his reelection campaign in 2017.


The Los Angeles City Council voted to change the name of the road to honor the former president in August. The new “Obama Blvd.” will intersect with Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.


The mayor said at the time that “Angelenos and visitors will forever be reminded of the legacy of President [Barack Obama] when traveling across L.A.”


To celebrate the politically-charged renaming, the city will be holding a street festival with DJs and food trucks.

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.6287479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If US Refuses to Supply F-35s, Turkey Will Satisfy Need 'Elsewhere' - FM


Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has reportedly said that in case the US refused to supply Turkey with F-35 foghter jets, Ankara would satisfy its need for them "elsewhere".

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6287535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notre Dame of Gaza: Our mosques and churches are also burning


As the 300-foot spire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris tragically came tumbling down on live television, my thoughts ventured to Nuseirat Refugee Camp, my childhood home in the Gaza Strip.


Then, also on television, I watched as a small bulldozer hopelessly clawed through the rubble of my neighbourhood mosque. I grew up around that mosque. I spent many hours there with my grandfather, Mohammed, a refugee from historic Palestine. Before grandpa became a refugee, he was a young Imam in a small mosque in his long-destroyed village of Beit Daras.


Mohammed and many in his generation took solace in erecting their mosque in the refugee camp as soon as they arrived in the Gaza Strip in late 1948. The new mosque was first made of hardened mud but was eventually remade with bricks, and later concrete. He spent much of his time there, and when he died, his old, frail body was taken to the same mosque for a final prayer, before being buried in the adjacent Martyrs Graveyard. When I was still a child, he used to hold my hand as we walked together to the mosque during prayer times. When he aged, and could barely walk, I, in turn, held his hand.


But Al-Masjid al-Kabir – the Great Mosque, later renamed Al-Qassam Mosque – was pulverised entirely by Israeli missiles during the summer war on Gaza, starting July 8, 2014.

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6287653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7681

Brendon O'Connell- Iran-Israel Conflict is a Charade (Updated)


I wish people would go to Iran. You would feel the charade. Lovely people. I LOVE the way Israel makes out Iranians plot night and day to take Jerusalem. They plot night and day to shaft Saudi. It's like watching someone fall off a bar stool in slow motion.


Latest from Brendon -"Look at these UTTER clowns (left) Henry. This is why I left. They could destroy Israel in about 5 minutes by focusing on the things I told them too - Talmud, racial and religious supremacism and Israeli high technology domination, spying and stealing off the US. That's not their job.


It's a party! At least they got the flags to burn! Where are the Israeli flags? They must know America is controlled by Israel? They RARELY go after Israel. Ever. They are CLOWNS.


They don't teach their people English and they keep them as dead bones as ignorant as possible. Its ALL about the Middle East and The Stan's.


It's ALL about "appearances". I've had both anti-government and pro-revolution Iranians contact me, they agree it is a cluster fuck. A joke. Its all chest puffing and carry on like that ninny in North Korea.


When I asked why it was they were not attacking Israel on it's filthy Talmud and Rabbi's calling non-Jews slaves and Palestinian's animals they said that when they did, they lost their satellite for two years - Press TV. I asked how that was? They said it was an Israeli satellite. They added as my face showed disbelief, "They are probably all Israeli!"


Iran threatens to close off the Straights of Homuz? AWESOME! Oil price shoots sky high…US dollar shoots sky high! Yay!


I'm tellin ya Henry…theater. Will all the naysayers and doomsayers say sorry when they are wrong…again?


Andy's playbook is good apart from insisting vast nuclear/conventional war will take place. It is not in the plan. And it will not happen.


Small scale skirmishes in Syria and Iraq. Still bad enough for the people living under it.


Iranian generals run things and they all share their Swiss bank account numbers.


It's all a charade. How can Putin and Netanyahu be buddies when Putin backs Iran and thwarted Israel in Syria?


There will be no war between Israel and Iran, Brendon says. Andy replies citing reports that indicate the prospect of war is real. .html


I know the sauce is weak but the exchange is very interesting.

Anonymous ID: 6c2683 April 23, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6287681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was admitted by Rafe Eitan, left, the famous Mossad case officer that he assisted in both the setting up of Hezbollah with Syrian and Russian help. He also assisted with the setting up of Hamas.


People need to ask simple questions Henry…Ayatollah Khomeini came out of a Paris COMMUNE accompanied by a German intelligence group posing as a film documentary maker. Iran and Switzerland and Germany are SUPER CLOSE. No one talks about this. There are too many Iranian's in Swiss banking to count. Rouhani did six years in Scotland hanging with Jack Straw - friends of Lord Levy - friends with Lord Jacob Rothschild. Then foreign minister Zarif spent twenty years in the US, hanging with John Kerry. Hello?