God, you boomers have ZERO self awareness.
YOU guys are the most spoiled entitled know-it all fucks that have ever lived.
YOU are the very generation of people we are fighting against.
YOU guys ruined the economy.
YOU guys ruined education.
I can go on for days. Being a boomer is one thing, but to be proud of it and come on here and talk shit is pathetic.
YOU guys are the fucking WORST generation of ALL TIME.
Wanna bitch about millennials? Well, you shouldn't have had 6 kids with three different wives, ruining everyones lives with your selfish divorces. YOU made us you fucking selfish unaware retards.
YOU guys were able to pay for college with a summer job, or luck out and get a union auto worker or electrician gig and make 80k out of high school.
YOU guys are the ones that bought a fucking mansion in 1982 for 45k and sat on it for 30 years and got fucking RICH while the entire bottom fell out of the housing market.
YOU guys are the biggest group of disgusting whiny, un-self aware ,know-it all dicks that have ever roamed the Earth.
I'm gonna write a book on how truly shitty of a generation you guys are.