Anonymous ID: 7352c8 April 23, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.6288878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8955 >>8962 >>9016 >>9026 >>9027 >>9146 >>9167 >>9181 >>9184 >>9192 >>9223 >>9232 >>9288 >>9360 >>9376 >>9559

>>6288346 (pb)

>We are just pissed you guys watched the world burn, and literally watched bankers consume the world, while you sat around doing NOTHING.


You seem to willfully ignore the fact that the boomers didn't live in the information age. The Consciousness of America was young and naive.


Did the boomers look back on the previous generations and blame them for allowing FDR's New Deal? No, because it wasn't understood as creeping socialism. Did the boomers look back on the previous generations and blame them for allowing the banksters to take over the Federal Reserve? No, because nobody understood what had happened.


And now the GenX'rs blame the Boomers for all that transpired in the last hundred years. All I can say is that your turn in the barrel is coming, and when you get blamed by the Millennials for the last 120 years of conspiracy, you will have your boom-a-rang.


The problem for you, is that Boomers simply didn't know. There was no Internet, and there were only three MSM outlets that controlled the entire narrative. The problem for you is, when the Millennials come knocking on your door, accusing you of sitting on your ass and letting the "world burn" as "bankers consume the world", it will be true.


You grew up in the information age. And all you managed to do was sit on your ass making frog memes on your phone, while pointing the finger at the generations that preceded you, who were just as deceived as you once were.


FFS, the entirety of the "Great Generation" have for the most part died off, NONE of them ever even realizing that Pearl Harbor was a FF to bring us into WW2.


Do you know how hard it was to red-pill someone in the 80's and 90's? I had all of the evidence and documentation, and people would still look at me as if I was crazy for saying that the Federal Reserve was neither "Federal" nor "Reserve". The TRANCE was DEEP. FFS, do you even realize that people like me, who suspected JFK's assassination was conspiracy…that we weren't even allowed to see the Zapruder footage until almost a full DECADE after the fact?


When I first woke up some 35+ years ago, I can openly admit that I too, looked back at the previous generations and said, "WTF!" But knowledge and humility eventually showed me that those people were just as deceived as I was, before I woke up.


Your lack of knowledge and humility shows exactly where you are in your path to find the Truth; which makes you look like a petulant child or a divisionfaggot.


Each generation of Conspiracy Researchers stands on the shoulders of those (few), who were woke in previous generations. I read John Robison's "Proofs of Conspiracy" when I was 13. And some time later, I stumbled across (and read) "None Dare Call It Conspiracy". I found it in the book section of a thrift store.


So I knew at a young age that the world was being run by those with extreme wealth. But it took the next ten years, (and frequent visits to local and even university libraries), before I realized that these people were not just wealthy, but that they were in fact, evil.


That's when I really stuck my head in the Bible and it was there that I found the origin of the Cults and the evil running the world. And what did I do? I immediately embarked on authoring books and pamphlets, writing documentaries and doing speaking engagements to the people who were far and few between, that would even consider all of my research and documentation.


So while every generation has the masses who never woke up, every generation has also had those of us who were fighting for Truth and Consciousness. So grow dafuq up. The fact that you still prefer to blame previous generations, proves that you are not half as enlightened as you think yourself to be.

Anonymous ID: 7352c8 April 23, 2019, 4:05 p.m. No.6289058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9096 >>9119 >>9281 >>9309


I know. But people are people. Some turn that blind eye, not wanting to know, even if they know you are telling them the Truth. I knew my great-grandfather. He always told me that the bankers caused the Great Depression. My grandmother told me to watch for technology that would lead to the Mark of the Beast. Yet my mother and father didn't know shit.


My father died when I was fairly young, but I did manage to red-pill my mother during the last decade of her life. I have come to the conclusion that people see what they want to see, based upon the comfort levels of their perception and filtering; That ultimately, this is a spiritual battle, and that spiritual blindness allows the lazy and flippant to live in what they think is ignorant bliss.



Anonymous ID: 7352c8 April 23, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.6289276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9297 >>9307 >>9311









Thanks, frens. I hold no bad feelings toward the anon I was originally responding to, and brother/sister, when you read this, know that I am grateful for you and your quest for Truth. That goes for everyone reading this…


But man, if you read Behold a Pale Horse when you were in middle school….kek…I read that book the first year it was published. I had to order it from a book store, special order. And yes, even back then, I gave a fake name and address. When GWBUSH started using the Patriot Act on public libraries and bookstores, I was damn glad that I never checked out books or ordered "subversive, conspiracy material" in my name.


We must all remember that Hillary would have been the Closer on the final (16 year) part of the DS's Plan to destroy America. This is going to take time. Consciousness is shifting, and I do believe we have reached the tipping point of the Hundredth Monkey. But this will not end this week, month, or even year.


Having been awake for several decades, I smile when people are saying, "Are we there yet?" Just try being awake for three decades, and seeing it all coming, living in a world of unknowing zombies. I was awake when Waco happened. Ruby Ridge before that. And I was awake when I saw the Matrix for the first time.


I sat there thinking, "I am probably one of the only people in this theater, who understands what this movie is about." Sadly, I was right.


I have something to attend to, but will come back later. I thank the anons who asked about my work, and obviously, I can't link to it right now, as it would seriously dox me. Believe me, I have been a stick in their eye for a very long time. I used to joke during my seminars, when asking people if they wanted to sign up for the free newsletter, to add their name TO THE LIST. I would always say it very ominously, and people would uncomfortably laugh.


If I give any links, it won't be in this bread, or even today. Okay, I really do have to run.