that would be like a dumb thought that marx would of thought was a good thing to dwell on for 20 years. that s why we're in this mess, because of stupid debates like youre trying to create…no offense
so we're approaching armageddon and you want us to not be allies with Jews? how dumb do you think we REALLY are??
actually i'm a recovering athiest. Going back to my roots, Christianity….the religion that came from the Jews. Must respect the Jews even if these arent the real Jews and they own all the media and MTV or whatever. God will punish them if all the Jew hate is true. Das Socialist Muslim Nazis are much much more of problem
Trust the Plan BItCHt
no, moved to a liberal town. went in clean, came out brain washed.
Q is right. Who the hell would attack an underground message board all day and night? I could even find this place and ive been following Q for a year. Q is real, and being on these chans is even more proof within itself.
no, wiping my ass with the koran. so soft, so nice
ya not into philosophy. God sent Jesus, Jesus died for us. Believe, be saved, love God with all your soul and might. Everything else we're not even supposed to know. Id rather be dumb and love God, and let the intellectuals talk themselves in and out of ideas till they decide they dont want to suffer in the mind anymore….let God do the work, its not for us
Jews and Christians saved this planet. Sorry, I didnt make this stuff up. You either see it or you dont.
PLUS, Origen was a bichtctch
Actually, im going to chill here.
you are what u tink someone else is, and stuff. should u be here?
Argue? Quarrel? You into allah akbar or something? Argueing is for insane people
this isnt story time, and im not mr story. u have enough info, youve made your choice. good luck
from your shoes i mite appear so, communication breakdown is pretty common on the inter net
except the islamic flavor, it tastes like broken glass…oh and the buddhist flavor, it tastes like nothing….
are you serious? this place looks like a digital insane asylum if you dont see the good stuff inbetween the madness
I know people like you in real life. You are bitter, jealous, confused people. I blame your parents, and you should too!!