Anonymous ID: d1d422 April 23, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.6290740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's that subtle voice in the back of your mind.

No matter how "good" the elites(every single one in power or rich enough to fund powerful people) tell you they are.

No matter who you're told to trust.

That voice is right.

It tells you that no other human should have the right nor power, whether given or taken, to dictate how you live your life as they see fit.

Will be be explorers again?

Will we forge new cities and bring forth new innovation, possibly propelling us to the stars and other dimensions?

Or will we just be told moar lies by the same elites who pretend to fight each other and gobble it all up as they rape the earth?

Freedom is taken rather than given.

If by 11/11/19 the "elites" are not drawn and quartered for their crimes against humanity, then there must come a time to carve out a True Free destiny for mankind. 300 million strong, not playing their game anymore should do it. A direct 'Fuck You' to the establishment(companies, conglomerates, self-appointed authorities, courts, alphabet agencies, et al).

Or you can go on with your 9-5's, even if some of you are touching 7 figures a year - you are also a useful idiot, go on shopping at Wally World and eating your Double Quarter Pounders, while being afraid to stand out of fear of persecution and future generations will pay the price. If we stood together, [they] would fall.

You know that voice is right.