He only recused from Muh Russia bullshit. He was still the AG for everything else, including appointing Huber.
OMG. That would be the best thing ever!! We'd need glass windows though for the all too predictable poop throwing.
Lots of powerful people around the world have been arrested/indicted. I bet they're waiting to see if we'll follow through w our swamp cleanup.
Wolfgang Halbig has a recorded witness who worked at local hotel who recalled an influx of media reservations several days before SH happened. It stuck out bc of how busy she was with the reservations and not understanding why so many from the msm would be coming to little SH, CT.
True story.
Why was their an open casket w a covered body at his Jewish funeral? So many questions.
Take it up with the witness in the lawsuit.
I'm just a messenger. Media plans to camp out for a month they might make reservations.