Anonymous ID: cdaa44 April 23, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.6292130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2274 >>2480 >>2500 >>2515 >>2578

Sri Lanka and the global war on Christians, a Global perspective


Anons, until researching this tonight I had never heard of this group that is addressing the worldwide global war befalling Christians.


So looking for some additional digging. Having said this, this post includes a 68-page booklet that represents a compilation of their worldwide study for 2019. Pretty sobbering statistics.


Sri Lankan minister Harin Fernando says ‘serious action need[s] to be taken as to why this warning was ignored’.


These weren’t the only alarm bells. The situation for Sri Lanka’s 1.6 million Christians — mostly Catholics — has been perilous for some time now. Open Doors, an American organisation that monitors Christian persecution, compiles an annual watchlist of the 50 worst countries to practice the faith. States are ranked by the intensity of maltreatment — high, very high and extreme — and last year Sri Lanka placed 46th. Open Doors identified ‘religious nationalism’ as the cause of anti-Christian activity and had this to say about the situation……Last year, in Open Doors’ 50 worst countries, 4,136 Christians were killed because of their religion — 11 every day. In the same reporting period, 2,625 Christians were arrested, detained without charge, or imprisoned and 1,266 churches or other Christian buildings were attacked. The number of Christians who experience high levels of persecution has risen 14 per cent in a year, taking the number to a staggering 245 million. Globally, one in every nine Christians is a victim of persecution.





Anonymous ID: cdaa44 April 23, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.6292287   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hello, what happen to the issue regarding the Appendix d5 of the Mueller report…Date fagging is a loosing proposition…


these Q team members are too smart to make it that simple to be figured out by a date. There timing specifically geared to the situational ebb and flow of the battlefield.

Anonymous ID: cdaa44 April 23, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.6292382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403

==Russia to carry out observation flight over US this week

World April 22, 8:38 UTC+3==


ANONS, is this planefaggable?



MOSCOW, April 22. /TASS/. A group of Russian inspectors will conduct an observation flight over the United States’ territory on April 22-27, Head of the National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center Sergey Ryzhkov said, according to Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.


"In the framework of implementing the international Treaty on Open Skies a Russian group of inspectors plans to perform an observation flight on a Russian aircraft Tu-214ON over the United States’ territory," the newspaper writes on Monday.




Key facts about Open Skies Treaty

US specialists onboard the Russian aircraft will ensure control over the compliance with the rules on using surveillance equipment and provisions envisaged by the treaty.


Besides, on April 23-27 Russia will carry out an observation flight over Poland’s territory onboard the AN-30 B aircraft, which has a maximum flight range of 1,400 km.


The Treaty on Open Skies was signed in Helsinki on March 24, 1992, by the member-states of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and went into force on January 1, 2002. The accord includes 34 countries, among them, most NATO members, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sweden and Finland. The purpose of the deal is to help build confidence between countries through the improvement of mechanisms to control military activities and compliance with arms control agreements.



Anonymous ID: cdaa44 April 23, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6292539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2578 >>2643

The Prosecution of Julian Assange Is Infinitely Bigger Than Assange


Interesting Perspective


'They’re trying to win this fight against Assange in brutal fashion to ensure that they win all future fights as well'


Julian Assange’s mother reported yesterday that the WikiLeaks founder has not been permitted any visitors during his detention in Belmarsh Prison, including from doctors and his lawyers. Doctors who visited Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy have attested that he urgently needs medical care. Belmarsh is a maximum security prison sometimes referred to as “the UK’s Guantanamo Bay”.



And yet we’re asked to believe that this has something to do with an alleged bail violation and a US extradition request for alleged computer crimes carrying a maximum sentence of five years. If you zoom out and listen to the less-informed chatter of the overt propagandists and the brainwashed rank-and-file western mass media consumers, you will also see that people believe this has something to do with Russia and rape allegations as well.


Actually, none of these things are true.



Assange is being imprisoned under draconian conditions for journalism, and for journalism only. The Obama administration declined to prosecute him after WikiLeaks’ publication of the Manning leaks out of concern that doing so would endanger press freedoms, and the Obama administration didn’t have any more evidence at its disposal than the Trump administration has now. The “crime” Assange is accused of consists of nothing other than standard journalistic practices that investigative journalists engage in all the time, including source protection and encouraging the source to obtain more material. The only thing that has changed is an increased willingness in the White House to prosecute journalists for practicing journalism, and there are an abundance of reasons to believe that he will be hit with far more serious charges once extradited to US soil. They’re not going to all this trouble for a bail violation and a five-year maximum sentence.