a little digging on 'on the move'
https://www.marcorsyscom.marines.mil/News/News-Article-Display/Article/1563051/marine-corps-adds-mv-22-osprey-to-networking-on-the-move-family-of-systems/ (28 June 2018).
“The NOTM capability provides Marines with real time command, control and collaborative mission planning while airborne.”
As a joint effort, Naval Air Systems Command and MCSC had to modify the Osprey in order for a NOTM-A Inc. II System to be installed and operated. This involved modifications such as replacing the rear overhead hatch, installing a SATCOM radome, and installing system interface cables. Mission ready, the system is capable of providing communications access for up to five users, including networks, voice, email, video and text.
if i recall correctly, while watching a POTUS rally, these aircraft accompany AF1, and should be easy to identify as having this system installed.