>>6292599 lb
Kek, but I am wondering if he is still actually around considering how much The Report has changed. Catch my drift?
>>6292599 lb
Kek, but I am wondering if he is still actually around considering how much The Report has changed. Catch my drift?
This shit is getting old. No one cares about that. We've got to hit her on the issues.
And just exactly where are you gonna share these? FB? Twatter?
Lose the fucking sex shit and get down to the issues.
What is wrong with you morons that you don't get that?
You must be new. Ignore the faggot your talking with. S/he is a shill.
Anon, look at it this way; we post this all over social media and what happens?
They start up with djt and his well known cheating. He cheated on Ivana with Marla Maples. Maybe he cheated on her and Melania. I don't know.
It's a losing campaign. I have had careers in Marketing and Sales, and I know a loser when I see one.
I think Gina is thinning the clown herd.
Kek. True that.
Those fuckers are gearing up.
Yea, I also remember the time some male engineers designed a floating walkway that collapsed and kill over a hundred people in KC.
He's a fucking idiot.
Big money going after AOC. She done.
Sorry. Forgot url.
I'm sure they are. I also read somewhere that there is a super big donor behind the Republican running against her in next election.
Sounds like an episode of Rick and Morty.