It seems that Q team is weaning us off of them. Looks like they've dropped all the crumbs and intel and now we just watch it play out.
Problem is - not having Q around for crumbs and intel drops when nothing seems to be happening is like trying to watch Hannity program with no guests. The board gets stale and boring and we rehash old stuff over and over. If we are the news now and if we want to keep interest high in Q and Trump and the election, maybe we should figure out a way to invite guests to qresearch for Anon Q&A. Once invited (maybe by a BV and verified legit) - the guest could be anonymous if they wished so they could talk more freely. They could be identified to anons in general terms by the BV ie - a guest who is confirmed to be close to Trump camp, or a congressman or senator or etc. I'll bet it wouldn't be too hard to get some guests to join us on occasion. What say ye?